Anyone using Rackshack?


New member
Is anyone using EV1/RS datacentre?
What do you think of the server, support and network?

Im looking into getting a small dedicated server from them but have seen a lot of good and bad comments about them.

Has anyone here used them for a server?
I had a rackshack server 2 years ago for personal use. Lemme tell you the server was awsome, but being on hold for 30 minutes waiting to talk to a tech was not.

Great service, not so great support. Another reason why servers can sell for $89 a month.... you dont have to support them :)
I heard they have a really good network but support can take some time at certain times.. never personally used them though.
Network is very solid you cannot fault it.

Support - well it varies....ive been with them for 4yrs - ive also got servers elsewhere. Lesson really is - learn how to fix it yourself....

They are pretty quick on reboots. Sometimes their knowledge is a bit if your a newbie and dont know what your doing before you know it you will have paid $69 or whatever they charge for a restore when you probably didnt need it.

There is 2 good things about EV1 though. 1 its stable and they are not gonna go bust at anytime soon....... 2 The support forum is a gold mind of help and info.
Ok thanks everyone for the help :)
Yep their forum is great like you said klooki, some very good information there and great people to help with problems.
I think I might be getting one server from EV1 and see how it goes

<< Is anyone using EV1/RS datacentre? What do you think of the server, support and network? Im looking into getting a small dedicated server from them but have seen a lot of good and bad comments about them. Has anyone here used them for a server? >>

No, I don't use RackShack/EV1Servers. There, are of course, bad and comments about them - just like any company. You really need to realise, there is no best or worst company, there is only the best or worst for you. This is something very important people need to realise, for my needs and my uses one datacenter may be better while for another persons needs and uses - it could be a totally different datacenter.
RackShack, their network I hear is one of the best. Although, noting that they are non-managed... their support you cannot really rely on. I hear lots of people though say how bad their support is, yet don't realise that EV1Servers is non-managed, meaning they don't provide support.

So John, if you wish to get a server from 'em, remember you need to fix the server yourself if there are any problems. ;)
Well, I've got a couple of servers at RackShack...err...EV1 I mean, (damn that crappy name change!) and I've never had a problem!

What you do have to remember with EV1 is that the servers are unmanaged. Learn to fix it yourself, or end up in a whole heap of trouble down the line. Personally, when I started out I kept a server to myself for a good 8 months before allowing clients anywhere near it - just so I could learn!

But when I have had to submit a trouble ticket they've been dealt with pretty promptly. Even when I completely borked MySQL by upgrading to 4 - there they were with the solution! Now I say their support is pretty damn good for a company that is supposed to be offering unmanaged servers! And all this for a measly $89 a month, for a basic server! Can't be bad!
Well, I was a customer of Rackshack for over 1 year untill last month started getting DOS attacked and was due to a hacker breaking in to my box and installing there root kit.

Ok, so Rackshack unplugged the box and forced a re-install. I was ok with that the first time.

Well, after the restore it happened again. Well, you would think there default server should be somewhat secure?? I did all the patches and stuff after the restore.

So now the 2nd restore make me move to a new service provider.

I am using a more secure operating system, and I have protection from DoS attacks with flood guard on my IP's.

<< But when I have had to submit a trouble ticket they've been dealt with pretty promptly. Even when I completely borked MySQL by upgrading to 4 - there they were with the solution! Now I say their support is pretty damn good for a company that is supposed to be offering unmanaged servers! And all this for a measly $89 a month, for a basic server! Can't be bad! >>

This takes the same scenario from DedicatedNow. Everyone I've talked to whom use DedicatedNow say how 3/4 of staff there bend of backwards to do this and that totally free, yet there are a few hard boiled eggs whom don't wish to help much at all and are very blunt in their e-mails and don't try as hard or as much to help them as some of the other people. This actually is the same for all: RackShack, ServerMatrix, Nocster and so on.
Each company has good soft boiled eggs and hard boiled eggs - I've heard stories from clients of all clients, with different views.

<< I am using a more secure operating system, and I have protection from DoS attacks with flood guard on my IP's. >>

By this I guess you mean ServerMatrix Turnkey, huh? ;)

<< Well, you would think there default server should be somewhat secure?? >>

You'd think so, but unfortunately it isn't always the case. :(

Well, after the 1st re-store with EV1 the hacker got in through MySQL. Talking to a lot of people I don't know how they did that. So after the 1st restore I did all the patches and they got in the same way again.

Now, you think that sounds like EV1's image has something in it that is allowing this. You don't even get a chance to investigate it cause you are forced with a restore or keep the server down.

I've talked to servermatrix and they do operate simular but will give you the oppertunity to investigate it.

Sence I moved to server matrix things have been really quite and good. I think the Redhat Enterprise 3 is offering a more secure operating system then the Redhat 9 I was using.

Anyhow, leason learned I hope...

<< Sence I moved to server matrix things have been really quite and good. I think the Redhat Enterprise 3 is offering a more secure operating system then the Redhat 9 I was using. >>

Yeah, ServerMatrix is quite good.
Yeah, the new RedHat Linux Enterprise 3 is a lot better.

<< Anyhow, leason learned I hope... >>

heh, I'm sure after one bad experience you'll not find another. ;)