Anyone notice the net was 33% slower than normal yesterday?


New member
Because of hardware problems Level 3 had yesterday the internet slowed down by around 33% yesterday!!
It happened from 4.45pm to 6.60pm EST due to hardware problems and mainly effected London and San Diego.

The success rate for reaching sites dropped to 85% too :o

I wouldnt have thought a problem by the Level 3 could have effected so many people!
I did not notice anything but then again Level 3 is not my primary connection. Think Williams, Cogent, Time Warner and Verio is my back bone provider plus I use Time Warner at home.
Hehe I didnt notice but didnt think that would have happened because of a problem with a connection from one company!
Wow amazing to think one company could effect so many people with their internet connection.
So does that mean if a few companies are having hardware problems at the same time the net could be up to 66% slower :D