Any nerdy gamers?


New member
I am wondering of course, who else games here besides me but even more what the thoughts are for 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes'? I keep reading tons of stuff online (during work breaks I promise) that talk about how you can do this or this or this, but honestly I am not sure if I can add another game into my collection right now or not.

It does look amazing, but then I always end up trying to keep up with 3-4 games at a time and I am not sure if thats something I want to do this time around. :sad:
I play xbox 360. I play halo3, fable 2, Dead rising, Civilization, Command and Conquer, and some other guys.


Romes25 is my gamertag if anyone wishes to add me.
romes, zZCHURCHZz if ever your up for a clash of the hosting providers on cod 4/5 (or even 6 shortly :D) very big fan of COD after my first lan with COD 2.. also ocassionaly give mmo's a go currently an eve-online nut .. ticks the minuets away on the grave shift with multiple monitors of course :D
Maybe lol. I am not a COD fan my self. I love civilization if you have that game :P

EDIT: Added you.
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Yea I don't have time to play games anymore too. Though I would love to try out many of the awesome games out there.