Any body can offer better than this ?

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poor king

New member

I need a host for phones clips
that ends with 3pg - wave etc. :D
best offer i found was
10 GB Storag
150 GB Bandwidth
Price: $14.95
In Globat

who can give better than them ?

Did you need capability for subdomains?

Will you pay monthly, quarterly, semiyearly, or yearly?

When you say "ends with 3pg - wave etc.", what exactly do you mean, the domain name?

Did you know that Globat charges $19.95 per year for Unlimited Subdomains, and a $39.95 setup fee with that plan and only offers it when paid by the year or longer? You would be looking at a total of $239.30 for the first payment and then 199.35 per year after that.
I believe Root that he's asking for the capability to host 3gp, wave, wav files etc - most shared hosts will be able to offer you this; you just have to decide upon who to pick.
10 GB Storage
150 GB Bandwidth
Price: $14.95

If you find a host offering it for this or less you better make sure that you have HD in your favorites file because you will be back here before long looking for a host again soon.
no need for subdomains
i can pay yearly
no i meant with wave and 3pg type of files
well that was the best offer if you can offer better thats really will be better :D


jswf :
thank you


Blue :
thank you
Yeah I agree with blue, your not going to find a host that lasts long for those prices. They arer usually scams or something like that...
poor king said:
well that was the best offer if you can offer better thats really will be better :D
As mentioned above, you really have to sit down and look at the price of servers, even the cheap ones, then the price you want to pay. It isn't a sustainable business model without some sort of overselling / very tight-shipped operations going on.

As for what the hosts here can offer, you'll have to look around their websites. I can tell you for certain, outright I wouldn't even consider offering 10gb space / 150gb bandwidth for anything less than £50 / month ( $95 / month ).

Ask yourself, do you really need all of that space? Do you really need that much bandwidth, when you're starting out? And are you going for quantity over quality?
How much?

jswf said:
Ask yourself, do you really need all of that space? Do you really need that much bandwidth, when you're starting out? And are you going for quantity over quality?

I agree with jswf. In the the beginning, how much do you actually need? Most sites that are just starting out don't need all that much. I think you are better off buying a smaller plan and then upgrading it as time goes on and as you grow. Most hosts will offer to upgrade your account for a fee if they notice how much more space/bandwidth you really need.

UrbanHostOnline said:
Most hosts will offer to upgrade your account for a fee if they notice how much more space/bandwidth you really need.
This is true, they won't just be plucking numbers out of the air, crossign their fingers and praying it will work. They'll be able to grow your account, as your site grows by the upgrade process. And by doing this, if your site becomes resource intensive, with expansion your host will be able to move you from shared > reseller > semi-dedicated > vps > dedicated without great hindrance.

Start out with the minimum requirements, and grow when you need to.
Thanx 4 all

U guys are right but i have to make a good plan for the future..
I might find good offer for small storag and when i upgrade to bigger plan it will not be sutible for me specially in price :(
TJR Networks said:
If you run ads on your site, you should be able to cover most of your hosting costs. :)

Ads dont help at all most of the times the users browsing the forums or site dont bother to click to read them . i by mistake only here clicked one of the site add else i usually dont bother to read them but i am not sure about whether others do the same or not.
poor king said:
when i upgrade to bigger plan it will not be sutible for me specially in price :(
A golden rule of Hosting though, if it looks too good to be true, it often is. You may find a great host who offers you 100s gb of bandwidth, but due to their overselling policy, they count upon you only using x amount of those resources. If you actually started approaching the full resource limitations imposed upon you, they'd more than likely get some clause hidden deep within their ToS to kick you off.

By upgrading as you go along, or getting set resource limitations that are guaranteed, you won't have to worry about this as the host can grow, juggle your site around and update as you do.
If you actually started approaching the full resource limitations imposed upon you, they'd more than likely get some clause hidden deep within their ToS to kick you off.
They're not that hidden, and even if they are it's the customer's reponsability to read the TOS in its entirety.

Ultimately it's all about resources (CPU and memory). The cheaper the host the more tightly packed the server and the lower the average resources/GB of data transfer ratio. The actual bandwidth usage is rarely a problem in itself, although it shouldn't come as a surprise if budget hosts try to limit high usage...

10.2 - To avoid unfair resource distribution at no time shall Customer use more than 15 simultanious processes by and with any of Customer's applications and not upload any file larger than 10 megabyte. All images in a Customer's hosting account must be linked to from pages within the Customer's hosting account. It is a violation of this agreement if Customer uses this account as merely an image, sound or file library. Binary files such as images, video and sound (i.e MP3, WAV, RA, GIF, JPG but not limited to those file extensions) may only account for a maximum of 50% of Customer's total bandwidth usage before customer must upgrade to a higher performance solution.

*The above was quoted from

I always recommend potential customers to discuss their site requirements with the host before signing up.
poor king, so you'll know ahead of time. In case you actually use the entire amount of bandwidth they give you, and perhaps go over, here are the rates for extra bandwidth upgrades and overages and extra disk space.
Gigabyte plan
($6.00 per GB/month if pre-paid / $8 per GB/month if not pre-paid)

Commerce Starter plan
($5.50 per GB/month if pre-paid / $8 per GB/month if not pre-paid)

Commerce Professional plan
($4.00 per GB/month if pre-paid / $8 per GB/month if not pre-paid)

Disk Space
Price: $5.00/mo for each additional 50MB

It can't hurt to know all that you possibly can before you buy.

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link107 said:
Ads dont help at all most of the times the users browsing the forums or site dont bother to click to read them . i by mistake only here clicked one of the site add else i usually dont bother to read them but i am not sure about whether others do the same or not.

You are over generalizing a little here. Just because you don't click on ads doesn't mean they can not be profitable.

We have sites that do quite well with ads.
Site running

Also it might be worth it to pay a little more for a host. If the site you are looking to run needs to available to customers, then it needs to be up and running. Don't jeopardize your customers with having your site down. The customer will see you as unreliable and search for different/better sources. You're not the only site out there offering the same thing I'm sure.
MOD NOTE: Post removed. Posts with no offer but a regular link to business web sites are not allowed.
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link107 said:
Ads dont help at all most of the times the users browsing the forums or site dont bother to click to read them . i by mistake only here clicked one of the site add else i usually dont bother to read them but i am not sure about whether others do the same or not.

You would be surprised at the number of people who do click on advertisements. I also run a Mac news website with AdSense on most pages and it easily covers the costs of running the site. :)
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