Another one falling?.come on! DoMiNo vps


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There is this VPS companies that somehow looked very solid 2 years back and now adays they are not vanished but really gone.Im geting to wonder and I wont pronounce names,but was it lack of technicall capacity or somehow hosts out there have problems with their minds and egos?
There is this VPS companies that somehow looked very solid 2 years back and now adays they are not vanished but really gone.Im geting to wonder and I wont pronounce names,but was it lack of technicall capacity or somehow hosts out there have problems with their minds and egos?

As technology grows, some host dont grow with it, also if they have bad or lack of knowledge clients will just go elsewhere which means hosts cannot cover their own overheads, so just fold.

Also when the word "Cloud hosting" appeared a lot of people moved to this, thinking it was the next big thing when really its nothing more than a term like "shared hosting".

These days hosts have to look at ways to be unique and offer what other hosts dont offer and even then its becoming harder to attract new clients (especially those that will stay). We get alot that are just testing the waters and stay with use a month or maybe 2 months and then just leave without placing cancellation requests and then complain they still get invoiced so to them we are running a bad service (how is our system or we to know they have left us if they dont tell us) especially when WHMCS is automated.
You touched a gentle point hosts that are advanced deal with and I guess those clients dont tell you because they are new to technology,look man to me spending money on something like whmcs is far of a luxory or something,you have to use it and put this kind of matters on your frequently asked questions ,also on your announcements,you can also put it on your tos.
To me you can leave without saying nothing meanwhile you didnt suscribe because normally hosts end vps after some post grace ,I guess the problem you depict has to do with suscriptions,If you have what it takes you shouldnt matter about they goin apart,but might worry more on other kind of things like ,maybe was I little bit rude?
You touched a gentle point hosts that are advanced deal with and I guess those clients dont tell you because they are new to technology,look man to me spending money on something like whmcs is far of a luxory or something,you have to use it and put this kind of matters on your frequently asked questions ,also on your announcements,you can also put it on your tos.
To me you can leave without saying nothing meanwhile you didnt suscribe because normally hosts end vps after some post grace ,I guess the problem you depict has to do with suscriptions,If you have what it takes you shouldnt matter about they goin apart,but might worry more on other kind of things like ,maybe was I little bit rude?

Our Knowledgebase and TOS have clear instructions on how to cancel. i would say that 99.9% of people taking hosting with check the box accepted TOS but never actually read them.

most hosts use automated billing systems that require the client to complete a cancel request so the system will cancel their account and remove their files from the server and stop sending invoices. If you just leave without telling the host then you have breached their TOS, your files/account is still taking resources on their server you are still legally obligated to pay all invoices until you tell the host to cancel your account. In effect say you left a host and never told them then 3 months down the line that host can have debt collectors chasing you for 3 months outstanding invoices because as far as the host is away you are still with them and have not paid 3 months invoices.
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As easyhost said above cancellations should be made, even as a dedicated server provider we do see people just walk away without cancelling sometimes despite our terms of service being very clear on the matter. It costs any company money when this happens, even though we for example cut network access when an invoice goes overdue.
Ye those matters are important to all hosts and is a shame people ignore them,specially dedicated servers

Somehow I dont understand why very simple administrative queeries like the ones you depict would make a host close a company
I think that web hosting business is very hard, there is a lot of companies that offer hosting vs vps with very low prices, and that is way that companies are out to business - simply because this is not profit to sell cheap hosting and vps.
I think that web hosting business is very hard, there is a lot of companies that offer hosting vs vps with very low prices, and that is way that companies are out to business - simply because this is not profit to sell cheap hosting and vps.

another wrong useless answer.

I can get a small VPS for $20 and sell shared hosting from that server at $0.99 and make a profit.

Most hosts that go out of business is because they offer what they cant provide or dont care what they host and get closed down by upstream providers.
You could say that are poor administrating


1) when you get them offering unlimited space etc. after getting a cheap unmanaged server and having no idea what they are doing, so when things go wrong and they start getting complaints they have no idea what they are doing so they just shut up shop and run.

2) they get a cheap unmanaged server and having no idea what they are doing, so the server gets hacked/DDOSED as they have not secured the server,s o their upstream provider closes them down.

3) they get a cheap unmanaged server and having no idea what they are doing, they ignore their providers TOS, so end up offering cheap plans to anyone and spammers sign up and use their server to send spam, so they are closed down by their provider.

4) they dont make a profit and dont pay their bills so are terminated for non payment.
Generally like the unlimited term is untrue I think you can sell cheap web hosting with little futures but that are real and well administered by you,now spammers can be easily tracked when selling web hosting and not that easy when they are part of a node but however even Godaddy did full spam on their good days and they are so prolific today so it depends on your rules ,to me spam is agressive advertising that could be waived somehow what wouldnt be waived is the usage of hacking programs and negative stuff
I know why ,it is evident if too much hosts are falling I think it matters that they are creeps in managing servers but more evident is the human factor that is more important and is.................

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