Ahhh Games

If you're talking about gaming systems, then I like Madden 2005. Like Mark said above, I'm unsure what kind of games you are talking about.
The one thing that I had to say about Half-Life 2, was that apart from the game itself being a little over-rated, the Steam engine has spoiled the game for me.
I'm at home when I play games on my PC, but I only have a 56k connection. The bloody Steam engine is designed for people with a 24/7 connection and is definitely not suited towards single-gamers... this being as it is, I found it really hard to just get the single-player version up and going and quite frankly I dont have the money to sit at home hour after hour and wait for it to update it's engine...its understandable that it provides significant protection as far as piracy goes, but it nearly put me off the game altogether, because the offline mode that comes with the engine doesn't really work 100% all of the time...
This link really helped me out, for people with the same problem as me: