A message on my community forums...should I delete?


New member
I have a post by a customer on my hosting forums and I think I should delete it but wanted to feedback on what others think.
The post is a guide to terrorism...

It's very useful, it's basically a terrorist handbook (not that I advocate terrorism, obviously) and tells you how to hack, make explosives, weapons and other cool stuff such as napalm.

I honestly dont see the reason for posting that on the forums..
Its your forums and you delete what isn't suitable. If it was a critisim of your hosting I might say hmm but its totally off topic so I think its safe

Its in the off topic forum and I have had to delete posts by the same person before because some are very unsuitable
I know the person but a lot of the posts are unsuitable forthe forum...like this for example.
Why post a guide to terrorism on the forums of a hosting site?
I would delete that - The "T" word is pretty sensitive these days (for obvious reasons).

Let the person know that if they countinue to post about this topic, you will have no choice but to ban them...
Oh yes John delete that Asap, people are paid to monitor the web looking for just such stuff, I would hate to see you interogated for allowing this information on your site, you know the guilt by association...

Even off topic it doesn't belong on your forum and other members may not appreciate that information being allowed their either.
I don't know if it's illegal in either the US or in Ireland (yet), but it's certainly enough to get one's file redflagged by whichever intelligence agencies decide to keep you under close tabs.

People who purchased a book called "The Anarchist's Cookbook" (which included lots of relatively harmless culturejamming, but also included some recipies for explosives) could find themselves, at the very least, closely scrutinised.

As for deletion...I don't know. I would definitely to post a notice that this kind of content is not encouraged on the hosting forum, and then lock the thread. You might also want to think about putting something in your forum guidelines that any communications on topics that are illegal under your local law may be deleted. This gives you the clear option to delete conversations that get out of hand, yet does not say that they *will* be deleted - just that they may.
John, delete that crap off your site. Even if it was legal... you have the overall say in what goes on. And if you leave it there it sounds like you are just promoting it. I would remove that right away. There is no need for that. I would probably send a nice email to the user that posted that as well.

If people want to promote terrorist handbooks and hacking guides they can host it on their own ISP.... I definately would not tolerate it on mine.
Deleted now.
I checked it out and the guide itself isnt illegal, its a book which is available in a library..

Some of the things in it are weird..and didnt think that would be legal or in a library either.