A good place to learn PHP?


New member
Anyone know a good site to learn PHP which has articles and the source for full projects?
I dont want to go to sitepoint though.
I havent seen many other sites which were helping but i didnt have time earlier to check many out.

I have a book on PHP which i got a few months ago just to learn the basics and that has helped a bit but want to do some things which are a little more advanced now, i always learn better by seeing the code which is why i would like one which has the code of the projects.

I myself learned PHP from mainly trial and error, or I would look at a friends work to try and figure it out.. or if I knew the command I was trying to do, such as mail(); for example, I went to php.net and looked up how to use it.
PHPHideOut.com has some good articles that can be helpful, and on HotScripts.com there are some VERY good tutorials, in face, I just used one about 2 days ago, got it working with no troubles at all :)