+500gb traffic: adult site

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New member
Hi there,

Adult gay site lookin for good offer:

- 500-600 gb traffic per month
- 2500 mb space
- provider who does not mind adult content
- php, cgi, mysql etc avaliable

Please answer with your best offer or e-mail:

Keep in mind that all offers muct be presented here, according to forum rules. So, anyone offering, please keep that in mind.
we will take it and give you
- up to 1000 gb traffic per month
- up to 5000 mb space
- provider who does not mind adult content
- php, cgi, mysql etc avaliable
with cpanel
unlimited subdomains
at 35 dollars a month if paid per 6 months
or 27 dollars a month if paid by year.
let us know
Sounds like a great offer Adultdesign?
But whats the deal?

We at bambiboys.com want to host our own site and we want to decide on our own what to do with it and what content to host.
Are you gonna advertise on our site? Could you provide us with some more details?

We are an independant website who are only looking for a provider, nothing more nothing less....

Thanks in advance for your anwer!

the folks at Bambiboys. :)
I will suggest you to go for VPS or dedicated server. This is the only soluion if you are required 500GB or 1000GB of bandwidth. You may do a check it out yourself. How many bandwidth a server come with at a good datacenter? Most likely 1000GB. How much does over bandwidth cost? Mostlikely $1 or $2 / GB. Can you imagine now?

For real reliable and guarantee bandwidth for your site, the only solution is VPS or Dedicated Server. No Ads on your site. You have full control over your VPS.

I would like to suggest you our VPS package as below :

VPS Plan

Package : VPS15GB
Space : 15GB
Bandwidth : 300GB
CPU : 800MHz
RAM : 256MB
IP : 5
Setup : $15.00
Price : $65.00
Detail located : http://hostton.com/vps.html

Dedicated Server

AMD Sempron 2600
512 MB RAM
1000GB Bandwidth
Ping monitor Service
Private vLan
5 IP Address
Setup : $20.00
Price : $ 75.00 / mth

Intel Celeron 2.4GHz
1000GB Bandwidth
Ping monitor Service
Private vLan
5 IP Address
Setup : $20.00
Price : $85.00 / mth

More Server Spec : http://hostton.com/dedicated.html

Yes I would say a dedicated server would be the best way for you to go with the amount of bandwidth that you need. I can offer you a fully managed plan for a dedicated server at an Excellent price e-mail me at sales@excellenthost.com if you would like to go that route.
ExcellentHost said:
Yes I would say a dedicated server would be the best way for you to go with the amount of bandwidth that you need. I can offer you a fully managed plan for a dedicated server at an Excellent price e-mail me at sales@excellenthost.com if you would like to go that route.
ExcellentHost, all offers to be made PUBLIC rather than having them sent by e-mail.
My apologies, I just thought we had to make a reply, here was my offer;

Fully managed

Intel Celeron 2.4GHz
512MB Ram
80GB IDE Drive
1000GB Bandwidth

Setup Fee : $25.00
Monthly Fee : $125.00

Intel Pentium 4 2.8
1024MB RAM
2x 80GB Hard Drive
1000GB Bandwidth

Setup Fee : $99.00
Monthly Fee : $140.99

Intel Pentium 4 3.2GHz(HT)
1024MB RAM
160GB IDE Hard Drive
1000GB Bandwidth

Setup Fee : $99.00
Monthly Fee : 151.99

Dual AMD Opteron
2 x 120GB IDE Hard Drive
1000GB Bandwidth

Setup Fee : $99.00
Monthly Fee : $325.99

Dual 2.8GHz Intel Xeon
2 x 120GB IDE Hard Drive
1000GB Bandwidth

Setup Fee : $99.00
Monthly Fee : $272.99
Thank you all for your reactions and offers.
We have found a new hosting provider!!

Best regards,

The folks at bambiboys.
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