50 bizarre state laws still on the books!

Wonder if hotel owners had issues with people wanting to test their 50Cal sniper rifles?

You may not shoot a buffalo from the second story of a hotel."

that said, they dident say anything about the roof :P
Wonder if hotel owners had issues with people wanting to test their 50Cal sniper rifles?

You may not shoot a buffalo from the second story of a hotel."

that said, they dident say anything about the roof :P

Don't forget that some (if not most) of these laws are very OLD (1800's-1900's).

Once you keep that in mind, some of them start to make sense. ;)
i like this the best..
Delaware: It’s illegal to get married on a dare.
What are those people thinking while making Laws...

i have heard one which says , you cannot bathe your dog in a bath tub...its a crime :-)