
New member
HostPlate has been providing Dedicated and VPS servers for over 3 years to customers from over 50 countries worldwide. We are often recognized by EvoSwitch Data Center and Leaseweb B.V and many others for our reliability and outstanding customer service that comes with 20 minutes response guarantee.

EvoSwitch DataCenter Recommends Hostplate.com

We invite you to take advantage of our latest promotion for the Dedicated server which is hosted in EvoSwitch DataCenter (LeaseWeb Network, Amsterdam, Netherlands) and begin your HostPlate experience.

Read more about our network here

Why Choose HostPlate.com ?

- Premium Network: includes more transit providers and better speed to those hard to reach providers on the Internet
- Connectivity: EvoSwitch is carrier-neutral and offers global connectivity with more than 35 carriers in-house and close proximity to AMS-IX.
- Scalable power capacity and multiple emergency power generators
- Complete access to your server via Control Panel (Reboot, Rescue, Reinstall, Changing RDNS, ShutDown, Traffic Usage and etc ...)
- 24/7/365 ticket support with 20 minutes response time guarantee
- Offering different type of solutions such as : Backup, Managed Firewall, Server administration
- Green Industry
- No Hidden Fees
- No Setup Cost

At the moment, We are in an amazing year-end special pricing for selected dedicated

servers including connectivity.

Please note that the Campaign will end on 31st of December 2012.

The special pricing applies to new orders only. No additional discounts are


Here are some of our new prices for our 100TB Servers:

Dual Core G850 | 4G RAM | 2x 250 HDD : Only 99€

Intel Xeon E3-1230 | 8G RAM | 2x 500 HDD : Only 119€

2 x Intel Quad-Core Xeon E5620 | 8G RAM| 4x 1TB: Only 179€

2 x Intel Hexa-Core Xeon E5645| 8G RAM| 4x 1TB : Only 199€

Please check our regular Dedicated Servers here:

Dual Core Dedicated Servers

Quad Core Dedicated Servers

Dual Multi Core Servers

Hurry while stocks last!

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We accept payments via PayPal, Payza(AlertPay) and CreditCard.

Also become a fan of HostPlate.com on Facebook & Twitter and receive exclusive material, promotions and prizes.

HostPlate Facebook Page

HostPlate Twitter Page

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Please don't hesitate to contact us at sales[at]hostplate.com with any questions.
Now we are going to provide the Best Price in the Market !
HostPlate put 30% off on prices already but we are going to provide an 5% additional discount:

Promotion Code: HP100TB
Expiry Date: 31th December 2012
Apply for 100TB Servers
Unmetered Dedicated Servers! High Bandwidth Specials! Up to 50% off on all 100Mbps, 1Gbps and 100TB Server Series.
Order today!


  • Multiple backbone connections
  • 2.5 Tbps of worldwide bandwidth capacity
  • Premium servers from Dell, HP and IBM
  • Dedicated public & private VLAN
  • Dedicated 1Gbit public & private port
  • Easy server management panel
  • Premium Cisco & Juniper platforms
  • 99.999 % Network Core Uptime
  • Fast, dependable premium network
  • Multiple data center locations
  • 24x7x365 Support
  • Next generation control panel
  • Transit Providers: Level3, Telia Sonera, Global Crossing, Deutsche Telekom,...
  • CentOS, Debian, FreeBSD, Ubuntu and Windows 2008
  • Extra discounts available for volume orders

EvoSwitch DataCenter Recommends Hostplate.com

We invite you to take advantage of our new prices for the 100TB Dedicated Servers which are hosted in EvoSwitch DataCenter (LeaseWeb Network, Amsterdam, Netherlands) and begin your HostPlate experience.

Read more about our network here

EvoSwitch, Netherlands, Amsterdam

Server Model
HP Proliant DL120G7
CPU: Intel Dual-Core G850
HDD: 2x250GB SATA2

Bandwidth/Traffic Options:

100Mbps Unmetered From EUR 99.00 Now EUR 49.00 Order now!
100TB Traffic From EUR 129.00 Now EUR 99.00 Order now!
1Gbps Unmetered From EUR 859.00 Now EUR 569.00 Order now!

Server Model
HP Proliant DL120G7
CPU: Intel Quad-Core Xeon E3-1230
HDD: 2x500GB SATA2

Bandwidth/Traffic Options:

100Mbps Unmetered From EUR 129.00 Now EUR 69.00 Order now!
100TB Traffic From EUR 159.00 Now EUR 119.00 Order now!
1Gbps Unmetered From EUR 1059.00 Now EUR 589.00 Order now!

Server Model
HP Proliant DL180G6
CPU: 2x Intel Quad-Core Xeon E5620

Bandwidth/Traffic Options:

100Mbps Unmetered From EUR 229.00 Now EUR 129.00 Order now!
100TB Traffic From EUR 259.00 Now EUR 179.00 Order now!
1Gbps Unmetered From EUR 1239.00 Now EUR 649.00 Order now!

Server Model
HP Proliant DL180G6
CPU: 2x Intel Hexa-Core Xeon E5645

Bandwidth/Traffic Options:

100Mbps Unmetered From EUR 309.00 Now EUR 149.00 Order now!
100TB Traffic From EUR 339.00 Now EUR 199.00 Order now!
1Gbps Unmetered From EUR 1319.00 Now EUR 669.00 Order now!

Do you need help? Please contact us from here

About HostPlate
HostPlate has been providing Dedicated and VPS servers for over 3 years to customers from over 50 countries worldwide. We are often recognized by EvoSwitch Data Center and Leaseweb B.V and many others for our reliability and outstanding customer service that comes with 20 minutes response guarantee.

Download test file The Netherlands
10MB , 100MB, 1.000MB, 10.000MB

We accept payments via PayPal, Payza(AlertPay) and CreditCard.

Also become a fan of HostPlate.com on Facebook & Twitter and receive exclusive material, promotions and prizes.

HostPlate Facebook Page

HostPlate Twitter Page
