1ST MONTH FREE! Dedicated servers -Gouriserv.com


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About Us?

Gouri Serv is a fully registered company formed in 2017, since that time we have provided our services to hundreds of clients from over 60 different countries worldwide. We take pride in our first class support and are always happy to assist our customers.

Payment Methods We currently accept Bank Transfer, eCheque, PayPal.

Also as a bonus, we have a first month free discount using coupon code '1MONTHFREE'.

* You Need To Take Our Subscriptions
* After 20 Days Your Second Month Invoice Will be Generated Which Should Be Paid Before Due Date.
* No Cancellation will be accepted For First Three Months.

* Netherlands Single Processor Dedicated Servers *

Basic - Intel Xeon Quad Core X3430 - 8GB DDR3 RAM - 2 TB SATAIII - 25 TB Bandwidth 1Gbps (Upto 10Gbps) - $60.00 Order Now

Medium - Intel Xeon Quad Core E3-1230 - 8GB DDR3 RAM - 2 TB SATAIII - 25 TB Bandwidth 1Gbps (Upto 10Gbps) - $70.00 Order Now

Advanced - Intel Xeon Quad Core E3-1230 - 16GB DDR3 RAM - 4 TB SATAIII - 25 TB Bandwidth 1Gbps (Upto 10Gbps) - $80.00 Order Now

Ultra - Intel Quad-core Xeon E3-1270v5 - 16GB DDR3 RAM - 2 TB SATAIII - 25 TB Bandwidth 1Gbps (Upto 10Gbps) - $160.00 Order Now

* Netherlands Dual Processor Dedicated Server *

Basic - Quad-core Xeon L5630 - 8GB DDR3 RAM - 2 TB SATAIII - 25 TB Bandwidth 1Gbps (Upto 10Gbps) - $150.00 Order Now

Medium - 2x Intel Xeon E5-2650 V2 - 16GB DDR3 RAM - 2 TB SATAIII - 25 TB Bandwidth 1Gbps (Upto 10Gbps) - $300.00 Order Now

Advanced - 2x Intel Xeon E5-2690 V2 - 16GB DDR3 RAM - 4 TB SATAIII - 25 TB Bandwidth 1Gbps (Upto 10Gbps) - $350.00 Order Now

Ultra - 2x Intel Xeon E5-2687W V3 - 16GB DDR3 RAM - 2 TB SATAIII - 25 TB Bandwidth 1Gbps (Upto 10Gbps) - $400.00 Order Now

* Netherlands Unmetered Bandwidth Dedicated Server *

Basic - Intel Xeon Quad Core X3430 - 8GB DDR3 RAM - 2 TB SATAIII - 25 TB Bandwidth 100Mbps (Upto 1Gbps) - $80.99 Order Now

Medium - Intel Xeon Quad Core E3-1230 - 8GB DDR3 RAM - 2 TB SATAIII - 25 TB Bandwidth 100Mbps (Upto 1Gbps) - $100.99 Order Now

Advanced - Intel Xeon Quad Core E3-1230 - 16GB DDR3 RAM - 4 TB SATAIII - 25 TB Bandwidth 100Mbps (Upto 1Gbps) - $120.99 Order Now

Ultra - Quad-core Xeon L5630 - 16GB DDR3 RAM - 2 TB SATAIII - 25 TB Bandwidth 100Mbps (Upto 1Gbps) - $150.99 Order Now

* If you require something that boasts a little more power request a quote today!.

* Software RAID free setup make sure you request it before install.

* OS reloads are Free.

Operating Systems

-CentOS 7.x

-CentOS 6.x



-Red Hat Enterprise


- Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition (Per CPU ) - $25

If you require an OS that isn't on this list supply us with the name and/or download link and we will install it for you.

Additional Software

cPanel - $38

DirectAdmin - $15

Odin Plesk 12 - Web Admin 10 domains - $10

Odin Plesk 12 - Web Pro 30 domains - $25


-Port upgrades - 100Mbps, 1Gbit, 10Gbit

-HDD upgrades - 250GB, 1TB, 2TB & 4TB HDD's are available,

-Ram upgrades -2G, 4G, 8G RAM is available the NL-D1100 Can take upto 48G Ram.

-KVM-Over-IP $30.00

-Bandwidth Per GB $7.00

-Hardware RAID

Data Center

  • Smart Dc, The Data Center In Rotterdam, Is Our Core Business, An Excellent Place For Your Dates. We Offer You The Option Of Having Your Data Center And / Or To Outsource Our It Environment In Order To Ensure Your Availability And Continuity. Professional, Safe And Reliable.
  • Smart Dc Is A Carrier Neutral Data Center Designed And Durable. Carrier Neutral To Everyone The Freedom To Give Desired. Sustainable Because It Not Only For This Generation Runs. Equipped With All Facilities Provides Data Place A Good Home For All Your Servers. Fully Redundant, Durable, Secure And Suitable For High-Density Hosting.The Smartdc Data Centers Are ISO/IEC 27001 And Cdsa (Content Protection & Security) Certified And Yearly Audited.

Not Permitted

  • Illegal Child Content
  • Virus/Exploit Activities
  • Terrorist Activities
  • Email Spamming
  • Flooding
  • Fraud
  • Phishing
  • Port Scanning

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our services or would like to request a custom package please send us a Ticket or email us on sales[@]gouriserv.com[/FONT]

We also have a live chat link on the side of our website.