$150 Off Intel Xeon E5603 | 8 Cores | 16GB of RAM!


New member
Performance on Another Level

For a limited time, YesUpHost is offering two times more memory, two times more speed, at an all exclusive low price.

Run a server with 8 cores and receive 16GB of RAM on your Intel Xeon E5603 Dedicated Server for a price of $196.05/month on a 3 month package. That’s a saving of $150!!! (valued at $738.15)

How To Get This Offer

Login/Signup at http://client.yesuphost.com/member/login/index
While logged in, click on this link http://client.yesuphost.com/member/...grade=&cycle=90 (without this link, code will not apply)
Insert coupon on next page: 201D546
Proceed with order (PayPal or Credit Card).

Offer ends when IT'S ALL GONE!


What This Package Includes:

SATA III 500.00 GB
CentOS 5.8 (64 bits version)
10,000 GB Premium Bandwidth (In + Out)
16GB RAM memory
Free Remote Reboot via http://client.yesuphost.com
Free KVM over IP
IP Addresses: 1 included for free, you can request up to 5ips per server, $2/month per ip.
Port Speed: 1000Mbps
Free 1000Mbps(GigE) Private Network Switch if you have more than one servers.
No setup fees & No hidden fees.
99.9% uptime guaranteed.
Customer satisfaction guarantee
We are located in Toronto, Canada, No PATRIOT ACT


Terms & Conditions

13% tax is applied in Canada only.
Coupon applies to Intel Xeon E5603 dedicated servers only.
Discount will be applied upon order on a 3 months prepaid period.
Upon cancellation, a refund will be given on the remaining months on the promotion.


Why Choose YesUpHost?

★ YesUpHost datacenter continues to improve in network performances, delivery times, and adding new features while sustaining good technical support.

★ We’ve done multiple of speed tests that has proven our network is fast and reliable (http://www.speedtest.net/result/1908466130.png ).

★ Great DDoS protection installed and setup – protecting our datacenter.

★ 7 days server provisioning/hardware upgrade.


About Us

We own and operate our state-of-the-art Green datacenter in Toronto, Canada. Serving businesses of all sizes, we ensure customer satisfaction by ensuring 99.9% uptime, minimal latency, as well as high upload and download speeds to match their needs. Behind our glass doors, we leverage Tier-1 servers, a state-of-the-art 40,000 square foot green data center, and a group of highly qualified and passionate individuals to make all the magic happen.

About our datacenter:

http://www.yesuphost.com/about-us .

Any questions? Just reply to this thread or contact us at http://www.yesuphost.com/support/ .
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