10GB SSD | 100GB BW | SoftaCulous | CloudFlare CDN | 24x7 Live Support | £10 Yearly /


We at DigitalBS strive to ensure we deliver not only a great product, but great service. We have just started our third successful year in business and have some great offers for you.

Our Live Support is active 24/7 with trained staff ready to assist in any way!

*Current Promo Codes:*
(discount applied at checkout)

50ANYSH - 50% off (recurring) any shared or reseller hosting plan on any payment term.
DBS-FY10 - £10 a year for cPanel Hosting (DIGI 1 ONLY)
G6QZNBY0Y6 - £10 a year for Direct Admin Hosting (DIRECT 1 ONLY)


*All Plans Feature:*
- One click app installs such as wordpress, prestashop through softaculous.
- Instant order activation.
- PHP selector (5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6) & extension picker
- DDOS Protection
- CloudLinux
- Daily Backups
- FREE access to CloudFlare CDN
- FREE SSL Certificates
- FREE Website migration
- FREE Website builder
- WordPress Optimised


*Dig1* - cPanel (US, Arizona)

- 10GB SSD
- 100GB Bandwidth
- Unlimited Domains
- Unlimited MySQL Databases
- Unlimited Email Accounts
- Cronjobs, Filemanager, Stats & Much more

SPECIAL 1 - £10 a year order link: https://digitalbs.co.uk/cart.php?a=add&pid=1&promocode=DBS-FY10
SPECIAL 2 - £1.50 a month order link: https://digitalbs.co.uk/cart.php?a=add&pid=1&promocode=50ANYSH

More information / More Plans


*Direct 1* - Direct Admin (US, Missouri)

- 15GB Storage
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- Unlimited Domains
- Unlimited MySQL Databases
- Unlimited Email Accounts
- Cronjobs, Filemanager, Stats & Much more

SPECIAL 1 - £10 a year order link: https://digitalbs.co.uk/cart.php?a=add&pid=12&promocode=G6QZNBY0Y6
SPECIAL 2 - £2 a month order link: https://digitalbs.co.uk/cart.php?a=add&pid=12&promocode=50ANYSH

More information / More Plans


- Open a support ticket or catch us on livechat

*We Accept*
- Paypal
- Perfect Money