$1.66/mo - Windows (with ASP.net 2)/Linux Shared Hosting


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Real Value Hosting offers quality, secure, reliable hosting solutions with 24/7/365 support backed with a 99.5% uptime and 30 day money back guarantee. We are not an overnight hosting company, we have been in hosting industry for almost 3 years providing hosting to 1000s of clients all over the globe.

Real Value Hosting is currently running 2 shared hosting specials, details below.

Windows Shared Hosting Special Plan:
  • 250 MB Space
  • 5 GB monthly bandwidth (Normal 3 GB bandwidth)
  • Free Setup, No hidden cost, HELM Control Panel, Classic ASP, ASP.net 2, PHP 4.x, MySQL 4.x, ODBC DSNs, Subdomains, FTP accounts and all other regular features.
Complete details and features
Order Now - Special Price: $19.99/year i.e. $1.66/mo (Normal price: $39.99/year)

Linux Shared Hosting Special Plan:
  • 250 MB Space
  • 5 GB monthly bandwidth (Normal 3 GB bandwidth)
  • Free Setup, Latest cPanel Control Panel, RVskin, Fantastico autoinstalller (45+ scripts), PHP 4.x, Perl, MySQL 4.x, SSH on Request for free, POP/SMTP, Subdomains, FTP Accounts and all other regular features.
Complete details and features
Order Now - Special Price: $19.99/year i.e. $1.66/mo (Normal price: $39.99/year)

Servers' Features:
All our servers are Intel Dual Xeon 2.8 GHz, 2-4 GB RAM with RAID Controllers. Our Linux servers are located at ThePlanet Datcenter, USA and Windows servers data393 Datacenter, USA and come with a 99.9% network uptime guarantee and a total server uptime of 99.5%. All servers are backup every alertnate day. We always keep our control panels, software, components to latest tested/reviewed versions. All the plans come with 30 days money back guarntee.

For FAQ or any questions please proceed to our Support Center
Or email us at sales [at] realvaluehosting.com