$1=1GB Space/5GB Transfer. cPanel, RVSiteBuilder, Installatron, Instant Activation!


New member
What do you get for a buck?

* 1 GB of disk space
* 5 GB of transfer per month
* Instant account activation
* cPanel control panel
* Installatron script installer
* RVSiteBuilder - online site editor
* unlimited MySQL databases
* unlimited email accounts
* unlimited email forwarders
* unlimited email autoresponders
* unlimited subdomains
* unlimited add-on domains
* Hosting Puppy's famous offsite backups of your site (http://www.hostingpuppy.com/help/support-center/index.php?x=&mod_id=2&root=3)
* Hosting Puppy's unbelievable 60-minute support response guarantee(http://www.hostingpuppy.com/help/support-center/index.php?x=&mod_id=2&id=52)
* Hosting Puppy's generous 14-day money-back guarantee (http://www.hostingpuppy.com/help/support-center/index.php?x=&mod_id=2&id=53)

Each GB comes with 5GB transfer. Buy 2GB disk space for $2/month and get 10GB transfer. Buy 3GB for $3/month, get 15GB transfer...and so on.

This price sticks for the life of your account. We accept Paypal, 2Checkout and (Canadian) cheques.

Questions welcome in this thread email (info@hostingpuppy.com)

Our Terms of Service (http://www.hostingpuppy.com/TOS)

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Get a fully provisioned cPanel/WHM reseller account for as little as $1.50/month! Simple add 50% to ANY Hosting Puppy "Buck a Gig" shared web hosting package to gain reseller access.

Hosting Puppy is one of the very few hosting companies that has figured out how to offer an incredible raft of features normally only found in more expensive hosts for just $1 per GB. Our Linux-based shared web hosting plans include:

*Free setup
*1 GB of disk space (per$1.50/month)
*5 GB of transfer per month (included per $1.50/month)
*Instant account activation (applies to reseller account only, not resold accounts)
*2 free months if paid annually!
*cPanel control panel
*Installatron script installer
*RVSiteBuilder - online site editor
*unlimited MySQL databases
*unlimited email accounts
*unlimited email forwarders
*unlimited email autoresponders
*unlimited subdomains
*unlimited add-on domains
*Let's face it - unlimited everything else!
*PayPal, 2Checkout, and (Canadian) cheque payment options (applies to reseller account only. Resellers collect their own payments)
*Hosting Puppy's famous offsite backups of your site
*Hosting Puppy's unbelievable 60-minute support response guarantee
*Hosting Puppy's generous 14-day money-back guarantee

Support: Once you sign your client up in your WHM reseller control panel, you can decide how much contact you'd like us to have with them. If you don't want to handle any support, just let us know and we'll set your customer up an account in our support portal and they can contact us for support. If you'd like to handle their support in order to create more billable hours, go ahead. Set up your own support FAQ and Knowledgebase or use ours at http://hostingpuppy.com/help. It's totally up to you.

Please note that Buck A Gig Reseller 1 and Buck A Gig Reseller 2 plans need are paid at least quarterly (3 months at a time). PayPal and 2Checkout fees are too high for us to take $1.50 payments.

Our ToS.

--> Sign Up for a Reseller Account Now! <--

A quick update:

We are now offering a free domain name with any package 3GB or bigger when paid annually. That's right - a free .com, .net, .info, or .org address with each 3GB or larger package.

This includes our Shared Web Hosting packages from $1/GB and our Reseller packages from $1.50/GB.

Use coupon code 2EJ07LFJ8Q3J4ZPX at the checkout.

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