Recent content by webhostingmix

  1. webhostingmix

    Server monitoring software

    I'm using Freshping and they offer free 50 monitors at 1-minute intervals.
  2. webhostingmix

    is it necessary to have a domain email address for your website

    Yes, having a domain email address for your business can be important for a number of reasons. First, it helps to establish your business as professional and credible. When you have an email address that is specific to your domain, it gives your customers and clients the impression that you are...
  3. webhostingmix

    Essential Pages for a new website

    It all depends upon the type of website e.g. for the hosting business, I would suggest all the essentials pages which will help your customers understand products, their benefits, and how they can return or get money back if things don't work out as expected, so they can browse your website with...
  4. webhostingmix

    Why wordpress security is important?

    The number 1 point is key if you're using WordPress as an eCommerce store by using WooCommerce or a similar plugin, protecting customer information is vital in building trust, maintaining the integrity of your website and saving you from hefty fines. A secure WordPress website will improve...
  5. webhostingmix

    Domain Name Api Reviews ?

    No, they will not send an email to your client on the registration or renewals.
  6. webhostingmix

    RAID Levels?

    There are several different RAID levels that can be used, each with its own characteristics and benefits. Some common RAID levels that hosting providers may offer include: RAID 0: Provides striping (data is divided into blocks and distributed across multiple disks) but no redundancy. This can...
  7. webhostingmix

    Domain Name Api Reviews ?

    I used domainnameapi for more than a year, they provide full domain registrar services such as integration with WHMCS, updating nameservers and whois from WHMCS or from their own control panel. Their public website is in English but when new order generates or invoices come through then all is...
  8. webhostingmix

    What would you look for from Reseller Hosting

    A few key things to consider when looking for a reseller hosting provider. Server resources: Make sure the provider offers a sufficient amount of resources (e.g. CPU, RAM, disk space, bandwidth) to support the websites you plan to host. Pricing: Look for a provider that offers competitive...
  9. webhostingmix

    Know, Like and Trust - How important are each of these in web hosting?

    "Know, like, and trust" (KLT) are important factors in building successful business relationships. Customers are more likely to make a purchase or work with a business if they feel that they know the business, like the business, and trust the business. Know: Customers need to know what your...
  10. webhostingmix

    Custom whmcs theme

    When you customise WHMCS to match your website, it looks professional and you can also tailor the user experience based on what is important for your users. It doesn't take much time to customise the header and footer to match your website. However bespoke solution takes time but then it will...