Recent content by storminternetuk

  1. storminternetuk

    Dedicated Servers

    You're absolutely right! While the physical server hardware might be standardized, it's the software that breathes life into it and makes it truly sing. It's like having a fancy sports car; without the right tuning and software tweaks, it's just a bunch of expensive metal.
  2. storminternetuk

    Dedicated Servers

    That's a great combo! Multicraft is a fantastic choice for managing Minecraft servers, and Pterodactyl is incredibly versatile for just about anything else you throw at it, from Rust and ARK to Valheim, Terraria, and even Discord bots. I'm particularly impressed with your use of Pterodactyl for...
  3. storminternetuk

    Dedicated Servers

    Hey server enthusiasts! Let's talk dedicated servers—the titans of the hosting world. What are you hosting on your dedicated server? Websites, game servers, and complex databases! And what makes your dedicated server setup unique? Custom software, specific security measures, or resource...
  4. storminternetuk

    How is control and support different between managed and unmanaged hosting?

    Managed hosting and unmanaged hosting differ in terms of the level of control and support provided to the users. Let's take a closer look at each of these hosting options to understand the key differences. Managed hosting, as the name suggests, offers a higher level of support and control...
  5. storminternetuk

    Security in the Cloud!

    Thank you all for sharing your insights and strategies for securing data in the cloud. Security is indeed a top priority, and it's encouraging to see such a diverse range of approaches.
  6. storminternetuk

    Security in the Cloud!

    Let's tackle the elephant in the room - security. How do you ensure the safety of your data and applications in the cloud? Can you share your insights on encryption, compliance, and any security challenges you've overcome?