Recent content by scottweb

  1. scottweb

    Recommendations on speeding up a WordPress Site

    If you own the server, you can switch to Litespeed webserver. Litespeed is fast and gives better performance. Other than this check the PHP and like other mentioned already, use CDN. Try to avoid animation themes or use less animation.
  2. scottweb

    How is control and support different between managed and unmanaged hosting?

    The most common difference is if someone purchase managed service he/she don't have to handle server side tasks like maintenance, trouble shooting and sometimes monitoring. In unmanaged service, client must handle all the server side tasks. In both managed and unmanaged hosting provider offers...
  3. scottweb

    What are your biggest challenges when it comes to managing your online store?

    Biggest challenge is handling dispute in payment gateway raised by fraud/spammer clients.
  4. scottweb

    Colocation, Dedicated or VPS?

    Its depend upon the work you will put on the server. VPS uses shared resources. Where as dedicated servers has dedicated resources. VPS is good choice for getting started only or low resource uses. About colocation, if your server has lower configuration it cost low than renting dedicated server...
  5. scottweb

    Starting a VPS hosting service

    There are Virtualizor. They have introduced new major changes like hourly billing and scaling. A new player came in the industry virtfusion, check there plans too.
  6. scottweb

    Need a little advice :)

    If you are on shared hosting plan, you can ask them to migrate your website to newer server. If you have dedicated server/vps/cloud you can deploy new server with latest version of OS like AlmaLinux or Rocky Linux because CentOS has come to EOL and migrate your website from current server to new...
  7. scottweb

    Is 'unlimited' or 'unmetered' bandwidth in hosting plans truly limitless?

    Few hosting companies provides truly unmetered bandwidth and some companies provides with capping like after certain bandwidth uses, the port speed becomes in Mbps from Gbps. Some provides 100TB bandwidth. Unmetered cost additional charges. So check the bandwidth requirements and accordingly...
  8. scottweb

    Combating complacency

    It depends on the client. Some clients just live and find another service provider and some of them post negative reviews. Sometimes, competitor post negative reviews. In that case we have to handle it in creative way. To counter that we need to collect some positive review. Every company has...
  9. scottweb

    Dedicated hosting vs Cloud hosting

    If you have high traffic on you site and you have right technical person who can deal with all the configuration stuff then you should go for dedicated server. If you need high resources, dedicated server will be cheaper then cloud servers. In case, you don't want to do all the technical stuff...