Recent content by HostStage

  1. H


    The directory name looks a little odd. Could you check whether you don't have nested folders inside this module? /modulename/whmcs/modules/addon/simplermodulename I suspect that's your issue.
  2. H

    Has cPanel weathered their price increase storm?

    To us the issue is still existing and remain plain. It seems to be a trend of price increase that will not stop there. It is a liability for clients. There will be however a breaking point but the HedgeFund will have their way before then. There are a few alternatives Direct Admin being one...
  3. H

    This site is hosted by a calculator

    Oh that's nice. I almost want to fire Jmeter to benchmark the slots it can take :D
  4. H

    RAM Usage showing error

    The reason why you see different data set from WHM and free -m is because the WHM status reports pages doesn't rely (as you likely have guessed) on the free -m but on a historical RAM usage utility. free -m does give you the current snapshot and it is a rather trustworthy output. WHM status...
  5. H

    virtualizor vs proxmox

    We are running SolusVM and we are currently testing ProxMox for some features we are after. Proxmox is an excellent solution quite versatile packed with a lot of features. KVM runs very well and deliver excellent performances.
  6. H

    BitNinja vs Imunify360

    My vote would also go to Imunify360
  7. H

    Intel or AMD ?

    We were pro intel for over a decade and we deployed recently an AMD node. We are rather satisfied with the performances of AMD. The number of cores makes it interesting for a nice VM per core density. We are almost to make the brand not a requirement for new servers. (almost)
  8. H

    Payment gateway

    @easyhostmedia : Liberty Reserve was a centralised digital currency in a form of a company which was a prime target for an easy take down. (I did have to look it up)
  9. H

    Payment gateway

    Completely friendly follow up. BTC is still going strong :) A bit weaker these days but deja vu ain't it ?
  10. H

    Which domain extension is more valuable: .NET or .IO?

    I would value more the classical .net as typically the .net is a little more generic than the IO could be. Although, on the tech / AAAS (anything as a service) niche and similar, the IO could be at least equivalent if not better.
  11. H

    Do blogs really help your site rank better?

    To add some comment to this thread, a blog is actually adding another huge SEO benefit which is actually already implied in some of the answers. Basically, blogging on a given topic would actually support the semantic content of your sales page. Nowadays Google works more on a topical...
  12. H

    Browser extensions

    Here it is browser dependant but on my main Safari Browser: Evernote Clipboard Pocket Adblock Lastpass - Shame on me for this one. Time is the only factor why I haven't yet run away. that's it. On Chrome which is more website oriented: IP Whois & Flags - so I know which server I'm on...
  13. H

    Cloudflare Plugin for cPanel

    Well, they actually completely dropped support of their cPanel plugin. It works with the cPanel V1 API which is being depreciated. After reaching them out they did mention that they had no intention of updating their plugins. They also made an official statement about it.
  14. H

    HostingDiscussion premium membership

    I feel like my voice wouldn't matter much. I have first the incentive to post first and this post wouldn't escape this truth. However, regarding your question I have the feeling that the feedback could matter while not being the prime target. So as a provider, would we consider purchasing a...
  15. H

    Name your 10 most critical business tools

    The list of tools critical to us are: WHMCS Slack Asana - Ideal to manage a workload. Dropbox Veryfi - Awesome invoice recognition software -> to export data for the accountants / KPI Skype On the top of that, the tools critical to me: Evernote Clockify for time tracking