Recent content by demowolf

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    DemoWolf Giving Away Video Tutorials Free To Hosting Companies

    PRESS RELEASE February 14, 2018 DemoWolf Giving Away Video Tutorials Free To Hosting Companies (Nova Scotia, Canada) - DemoWolf (, producer of video support tutorials for the web hosting industry, today announced that effective immediately, they'll be providing their video...
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    DemoWolf Video Tutorials for Web Hosts - for SALE again

    Attention WEB HOSTS: Back by popular demand... we're once again offering our Video Tutorials for a one-time PURCHASE. It's been 1 year since we changed our model to a subscription-based service, and although it's proving to be a popular option, there were still lots of original DemoWolf...
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    DemoWolf is changing... no longer selling branded video tutorials - On April 27, 2016 DemoWolf discontinued the service of “branding” support tutorials for hosting companies. We are in the process of completely changing our business model. For the last 10 years we've been producing web hosting support tutorials, and selling them to web hosting...
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    DemoWolf acquires,

    (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) – DemoWolf has just announced the acquisition of competitor (DemoDemo) is a direct competitor to DemoWolf, offering Flash-based support tutorials to hosting companies. Starting in 2002, DemoDemo was in fact the first...
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    DemoWolf releases 120 new tutorials, including new series for 4 popular browsers

    We've just released 120 new tutorials, including 4 brand new series on the most popular browsers in use today. Now your customers will get step-by-step instructions on fully utilizing Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari. Here's a complete list of the tutorials in these...
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    The "New" is Now LIVE!

    After many months in development, and the last several weeks in testing, the New is finally here! Here's what's new: 1. New Subscription Plans available - starting from $9.95/month! 2. Never send us a logo again... upload it yourself and generate your own tutorials! 3. New Preview...
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    DemoWolf - Massive Birthday Giveaway - over $25,000 in prizes will be given away!! WOW... 4 years!!! That's hard to believe! This month, DemoWolf turns 4 years old, and to celebrate we're having a Massive Birthday Giveaway promotion. Thanks to the generosity of several hosting industry sponsors, we've assembled a list of over 50 prizes totaling over $25,000...
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    DemoWolf releases 84 new Joomla tutorials

    We've just released 84 brand new tutorials for Joomla, a popular open-source CMS system. The new tutorials are divided into 5 separate series as follows: Joomla New Setup series (20 demos) Joomla New Admin series (17 demos) Joomla New CMS series (17 demos) Joomla New Extensions series (18...
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    DemoWolf - The Bundles are BACK! - up to 61% off all flash tutorials

    Due to popular demand, we have brought back BUNDLES... multiple series of tutorials grouped and sold together for huge savings... up to 61% off! ALL DemoWolf tutorials are currently priced at 50% off our regular prices... but if you choose to buy one of our bundles, you can save even more! This...
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    DemoWolf's HALLOWEEN SALE - expires Oct 31, 2008

    Until October 31, we're offering up to 60% off all hosting tutorials. Instead of us preparing "bundles" or "packages" of hosting tutorial series for you to choose from, we're letting hosting companies build their own packages so they can get a great discount for their own custom tutorials...
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    DemoWolf releases 70 new tutorials in 3 new series: RVskins, phpBB3, and osCommerce We've just released 3 new tutorial series. There will be more new tutorial series released before the end of this week, as we gear up for HostingCon. The series released today are as follows: phpBB3 series (26 tutorials) Regular Price: $69.95 Summer Sale Price: $34.98 (or...
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    Is it just me, or is DotNetPanel becoming significantly more popular in the Windows hosting market? Is this control panel is use by many web hosts?
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    Press Release service

    Does anyone use an automatic service for submitting press releases? If so, which one?
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    HostingCon 2007 - Full Conference Pass Giveaway Contest

    We are only 1 month away from HostingCon 2007, a conference dedicated solely to the hosting industry. This year's edition promises to be bigger and better than ever, with all the major players attending. DON'T MISS the exhibits by companies like Microsoft, cPanel, SWsoft, FastServers.Net, and...
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    cPanel X3 tutorials now available at

    We've just released our newest series of tutorials: cPanel "X3 skin" end-user series Series of Flash tutorials for hosting companies who offer cPanel to their customers, and want to make it easy for them to get help by watching demonstrations on how to use it. There are 31 tutorials in the...