Get rich reselling scheme


New member
There are a lot of places that guarantee to show you how reselling can make you rich. I'm not too familar as I am just starting but is it possible and is it really that simple to get rich reselling web hosting?
Web hosting in general is NOT a get-rich kind of business, no matter whether you are trying to resell on a shared hosting plan or launch a datacenter of your own. That is pretty much the biggest misconception young kids have when they decide to venture in this market on a 20 dollar budget during summer school holidays.
Any time you use the word "scheme" to describe something, then it's doomed already not to work :) And if you tack on "Get Rich" - well that's just a no brainer!

NOTHING in life is easy. It takes hard work and dedication.
Can you get rich after a lot of work? Sure, it's possible, however many people who launch their hosting companies will not make it more than a year, and a good percentage of the 10% remaining will never deem themselves as "rich".

There is profit to be made in any business (if done right, and enough time is allowed), but everyone is looking for the quick buck - it just doesn't work that easily.
Absolutely not. Especially in this economy.

The web-hosting business is currently over saturated and unless you can differentiate yourself or market to an underserved niche, you won't break out big.

Also, as with many businesses, you have to be able to withstand at least 1 year with no profits as you grow your company. If you don't have enough financing to do that, then you don't have enough financing to start a company.

And the first and foremost thing to do before moving on to the next step in creating any type of business is to come up with a business plan. Businesses without plans are planning to fail. :)
Web hosting in general is NOT a get-rich kind of business, no matter whether you are trying to resell on a shared hosting plan or launch a datacenter of your own. That is pretty much the biggest misconception young kids have when they decide to venture in this market on a 20 dollar budget during summer school holidays.

You couldn't be more correct. I particularly like the part where you say, "young kids have when they decide to venture in this market on a 20 dollar budget during summer school holidays".
This industry is very "cut throat" it takes hard work and dedication.
You have to keep your customers happy at all times and demands a lot of attention. For example if a client just signed up you will need to maintain your client's server/account'(s) and ensure they are happy at all times.
Yes most do dealmaker, but lets face it - all of the above (if you have been in this biz longer than say, a month) we have all seen. I fully agree with the kids and the "if you cant stand to go without profits" points though, I think those are the two I argue about to people the most. :D
I really do not think the intent was to call all of the business a scheme, but rather had you noticed the person mentioned places that guarantee how to get rich by reselling. Remember at one time or another everyone here was new to this business, so having questions like this is common. Same goes for those in the business who are able to give good feedback rather than one liners to try and help a fella out. :)
Well on that note, going back to the original post;

There ARE places that will show you how to get rich reselling, however with anything, it takes hard work and promotion and money. You can definitely make money reselling, but it's not going to make you rich (under most circumstances). Idealy you need to decide on what the term "rich" means. To someone making an extra $100/month while going to school is a big deal, but to someone working full time even $3,000/month isn't enough after you pay expenses etc.

Is it possible to make money? YES. Will you get rich? Not likely. Is web hosting simple? In theory, but in reality it's lots of work.
I really do not think the intent was to call all of the business a scheme, but rather had you noticed the person mentioned places that guarantee how to get rich by reselling. Remember at one time or another everyone here was new to this business, so having questions like this is common. Same goes for those in the business who are able to give good feedback rather than one liners to try and help a fella out. :)

Yeah thanks I appreciate this :) But it does make sense what the rest of the posters say. I did make the mistake of calling it scheme, but I guess it was too good to be true. Now I know.
I am currently in the setting myself apart dilemma. I am wanting to try reselling, but don't know how I will set myself apart. I am considering running a free webhosting business with ads on the websites, but don't know how it would work out.
Selling ads on a site CAN work, if you have a popular enough site to be able to sell the ads on. You also will likely need a nitch for where you want to sell ads. Setting up a new site and expecting to sell ads right out of the gate is an almost impossible task.
If you plan on going into the web hosting business expect 3-6 months before you even get your first customer, let alone start turning a profit (unless you walk around your town handing out fliers) No get rich quick here.
Yeah thanks I appreciate this :) But it does make sense what the rest of the posters say. I did make the mistake of calling it scheme, but I guess it was too good to be true. Now I know.
Well, don't beat yourself up about this. First of all, in the UK, a scheme is what in the US we'd call a plan. Second, it's not inaccurate to say that you can make money in hosting, just like you can make money in lots of businesses. It's the quick part that's unlikely. It takes work and time to build up a customer base. As a reseller, you do have the advantage of low startup expenses, with the flip side being limitation on what you can offer.
The only get rich scheme is purchase a Reseller account and Resell plans! You wont be making millions but its possible to make some sort of profit.
Its possible to make a decent ammount of money in any business if you have the time to promote yourself 24/7. Active promotion is key, static sites hoping someone will find you doesnt work, you've really got to work for it.
Web hosting in general is NOT a get-rich kind of business, no matter whether you are trying to resell on a shared hosting plan or launch a datacenter of your own. That is pretty much the biggest misconception young kids have when they decide to venture in this market on a 20 dollar budget during summer school holidays.

Hit the nail on the head. Hosting has exploded into thousands and thousands of providers because of it's easy and cheap cost of entry. Too many people think it's a quick way to get rich, and they couldn't be farther from the truth.
I believe you get whatever you put into the business.

Yes as the great ones say "You have to spend money to make money" this is right you must put 110% into it to make it work for you and you will want to quit and give up if you get into for long enough because of the nature of the business.