What marketing strategy do you use to resell hosting plans?


New member
how do you manage to reseller hosting when there's so much competition out there..?
Based in my experience,forum ads and social media are a good way to focus when it comes to selling online.
Certainly, there's a lot of competition out there, but there is in every industry. Forum ads work well if you've established yourself there as a trusted provider. What social media strategies are you employing?
Think about it more broadly. A lot of people today require web hosting and they are all around you. Before anything else, pick a target market, a segment, then find ways to reach them. There is a variety of media outlets: from print to online, from local businesses to specialty professional events.
until last year i also traded at country shows and summer fairs selling toys and i used to always take out ads in the shows programmes ranging from £50 to £100 for an A5 advert for my hosting.

I still get enquiries from ads i placed 5+years ago and recently took on 2 new clients from ads i placed in programmes in 1996.
I see that many hosting providers are advertising locally to their local users. This way can get you more customers because websites are located locally will load faster than global especially with local users. IMO
I see that many hosting providers are advertising locally to their local users. This way can get you more customers because websites are located locally will load faster than global especially with local users. IMO

^^ This. Local marketing & advertising is highly underrated in this industry.
Social promotions are the best ways for reselling web hosting services. Other than that forum ads are also good ways to get more signups.
We don't do reseller hosting but you can market to people you know personally, social media marketing, forums, advertisements anywhere where people need hosting.
Everybody is focusing on selling online, but a lot of people forget about offline because product is online.
Always look for local business. Go talk to owners, even if they have hosting try to offer them better solution.
Everybody is focusing on selling online, but a lot of people forget about offline because product is online.
Always look for local business. Go talk to owners, even if they have hosting try to offer them better solution.

Online marketing is tricky in nature due to all the competition. As others have mentioned social media in todays world is of great value. But offline is where i receive most of my clients and through their word of mouth. I frequently go to one of our local coffee shops (not starbucks) and do my computing there, and it tends to be a conversation starter when people get to know me and watch a simple page turn color or show a video. Seeing the magic in action is always intriguing to watch.
The best marketing you can do is to take good care of your customers. They will do the rest for you. ;)
Huge competition but If you have some positive points like your company is old, Your company is established then you can got customer by selling your product at low price with less profit.

Everyone do this but still you can got some customers by this method.
I receive 1 order in 2 week or 3 coz I have less time for social media or advertisement.

Paid advertisement gave me some orders.

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