Aplus.net horror stories - Please share your experience !!


New member
I was amazed at first by aplus.net because cnet

tells that they are the best and then their

presales chat is so good, but it all started after

I signed up !!

One week has passed and no server from them and

then they claimed that they are refunding my money

because I am from Thailand and they only allow

users from US and CANADA to sign up by credit card.

Well after that rather than getting refund I

started getting emails that they can't charge my

credit card and they will try to charge it again !!

Well I called the billing and they told me that

they already refunded my money so I have to pay by

bank transfer. i already checked with Visa and

their is no refund and I kept getting emails
from aplus.net that they will try to charge my

credit card in 24 hours.

I lost 7 days and I lost money and I am so sad that

a company like cheated me, because I was fooled by

Cnet's recommendation.

Please tell me what to do ! I want my money back

and I want others to know so that people don't get

impressed by presales chat in aplus.net

Please stay away from this host .

this isn't the first time I have heard something negative about aplus.net and cnets reviews on them. how long ago did they say they issued the refund? it can take up to 48-72 hours some times. Have you called your bank yet? If they don't issue you a refund and they refuse to you could always do a chargeback (last thing to do but if you must you must then)
Yes, ultimately you have the chargeback on your side. It should be a last resort, but it is there for you. Just make sure you don't go over the time period. Some banks give you 2 months, others even 6 to file for a chargeback.

Next time do a search at webhostingtalk.com before you go with a host. I'm 99% sure that after a search for Aplus at that said forum you wouldn't have signed up with them.

Good luck and sorry to hear you're having problems!
And in other places too. I doubt he'll be back to these threads. He simply wanted to let the world know what happened to him.
i was once a customer of aplus.net for a year on a hosting plan back in the day..... i signed up for a whole year and got the free domain name that came with it

the services seemed ok for that year where i had trouble was when i was out growing my hosting package and wanted to find someone else to host with cause i wanted a dedicated server

my troubles where the fact that the credit card they had on file had expired 3/4 months previously and i just let em shut down services for my hosting, companies like this that have been around for a while seem to have a good enough api that automates a hosting setup after the persons credit card has been approved.

i think i had tried to contact aplus a couple weeks a couple times before my one year aniversary date but as i stated above about there api the realy big problems these companies have is arent designed to refund even if service was perfact

they just wherent expecting customers that where looking at all of there options i believe
And in other places too. I doubt he'll be back to these threads. He simply wanted to let the world know what happened to him.

Sad too. It's a shame that some folks just want to give a company a bad name (regardless if it's genuine or not), but then 1. Never take part in the discussion they started, and 2. Generally never come back to contribute to the community after their first post.

Not to mention, that in my opinion, while the thread starter may be genuine when they tell their account of the scenerio, there is absolutely no proof provided to back anything they're saying nor to prove that it's even an honest review.

I can't say that the person is lying, or telling the truth, and when there is no way of telling the difference, you have no choice but to discard the one sided tale for lack of evidence (case dismissed lol)...that's just my 2¢
Mark, I agree with you on the principle of it. However, as unfortunate as it may be, such reviews (true or not) do stain a hosts reputation. If you take a host and the only feedback you find is one such as this, will you (subjectively) feel the same way about it as if the review did not exist? Between two hosts, would you choose a host with no feedback or a host with this one (unproven) negative feedback? Even more importantly, what would the average hosting customer answer to those questions?
I think I'm going to write a MOD that sends you reminder emails until you have 10 posts. WHT sends reminder emails, however unless you unset it, you end up with an entire Inbox full of them...drives me mad, but it might drive people like thaimotion back to HD!
I doubt Art would willingly risk having HD reported for spamming or harassing, even if it's for a good cause. ;)
Not everything that is put in a TOS or disclaimer is necessarily enforceable. IMO that disclaimer would have to be discussed with a lawyer.

MOD NOTE: 3.4 Participants may not post or otherwise transmit promotional materials, or any other form of solicitation, except in those forum sections where advertising is expressly permitted.
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I have heard stories about Aplus.net they are a public company and their prices are very expensive. When companies grow to big they stop caring about their customers and sometimes. try sparkservers.net if you are still looking for a host
Do you have any experience whatsoever with either company Alyssa?

I mean, you said you've "heard" horror stories about aplus, and you never provided any actual experience testimony of any form for sparkservers, or even provided a url you may have with them for that matter.
APlus and my month of DOOM!

Okay so I get a call on my cell phone and its Aplus. How they got that number I will nvr know. So they have a good sales pitch and I have never had a dedicated server before. I remebered asking hiom 2 very specific question. (1) If I have an emergency can I PAY to get it fixed 24/7? He was very enthusiastic in his response "YES, you can get anthing fixed 24/7/365. (2) How long do I have to cancel and give notice If Im not happy. 30 days was the response.

Okay so I signed up, without doing my homework. The deal sounded sweet and I was already spending alot on shared hosting for websites so it was not going to cost me that much extra. Guy told me that the server will be up in 24 hours. Okay so 36 hours in I'm like hey this server is STILL not up, however its like 9 PM CST at that moment,,, BUT ALAS THE 24/7 service. Okay so I call them up, negotiate my way past the oddly set up "marketing representatives" that dont really do anything technical for your site, they just are the people that try to sell you something when you have a technical problem. They are also the first people you talk to when you have a problem. So I am talking to someone in india next and he doesnt understand That my server has not been set up, So I ask to speak to someone else. "NO SIR, YOU WILL HAVE TO CONTACT THEM DURING BUISNESS HOURS". So right, what was I expecting, 24/7 support.

At this point Im upset and not happy in the slightest. SO the next day I call and at that time you can talk to a californian who is actually not HALF THE WORLD AWAY FROM YOUR SERVER! I ask why my server has not been set up. They tell me they are running behind blah blah like I care. I want my server. So 72 hours after my purchase and still no server. Im like rather unhappy now, Im growing fowl! So I call up my credit card company and ask them about the procedures for a chargeback. They fill me in and then ask me on what charge I was thinking about. I told them the one to Aplus. Which one was what I was asked next. I could feel my teeth grinding down. They had charged me twice. Okay so Im back on the phone with the "marketing representative" tier of there network and Im telling hiom whats up. He was VERY understanding, even agreeing that they should not have charged me 2 times. up till the point I said "So Im done with your company, I want my money charged back." I cant do that was the response I got. He even told me that he gets in trouble when he looses clients from his boss. AGAIN I DONT CARE. I just want what I pay for and screw the rest. If they had there act togather then they would have had a happy customer who pays in advance and would have stayed with them for years. In the end I charged back both of there charges, and reported them to the california attorny generals office, as they fought me on the chargebacks. I got my money back, never even got to see the prompt, and had more aggrivation then this life should hold because of Aplus. If you are going with there service get ready for the runaround and pathetic excuses. You will be hearing them shortly.

-PS If you want proof I got it.
Thank you, Jollymon, for the story. It will probably add to 38,217,855,022,643,194 stories alike yours already out there. :)
I told them the one to Aplus. Which one was what I was asked next. I could feel my teeth grinding down. They had charged me twice.
You have such a way of describing emotions! :)

Anyway, it's good that you at least managed to get your money back.
heard many stroies about aplus.net

So many ISP's can mislead customers because they are not in North America.
I have heard lots of horror stories about this particular ISP, I myself have had my shre of billing issues with ISP's namely Interland (now bankrupt). However, I agree that sometimes whenever someone (not directed to any particular person) has a bad experience with a host, they are so frustrated that they don't know who to trust anymore.

Also, ISP's sometimes stink at resolving billing issues! The moment a customer goes on the forums sometimes they actually take action rediculous!

Did you find another host? perhaps try mine shallal net I have not had problems with them and I have been a customer a long time.

By the way, do you have shared or dedicated hosting?
