How much RAM is required for 2k daily visitors?



How much RAM is required for hosting a website which have a 2000 visitors per day.

VPS Config:
Bandwidth: 2000GB
Website type: php based AD Classification site.

Average visitor: 83
Maximum Visitor at a time: 100 (when advertise on FB, google, bing, etc)

Your VPS can easily hold 100 simultaneous visitors, however it depends on website functionality as well. If your website is too heavy resource usage will vary
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If its simple text and images only using HTML... then it should be pretty resource light.... If it's a multimedia based site with lots of videos, flash, java, etc, it could be a resource heavy website. You should let us know what platforms you are running and type of content of the sites deliver to get more accurate suggestions.
A good host will get back to you with in 1 hour (latest) if it takes them any longer cut them off your list because if your site goes down you should be able to reach them as soon as possible.

A properly configured server may just give you what you are expecting, but again you just cant keep an eye on Server to perform. You got to check the application too that you are going to run on it. You may get into sluggish performance if the application is too resource hungry and if server is not able to give it what it needs. You have to analyze both the aspect, the application as well as server.
What sort of site are you running (WordPress, static HTML etc)? This will change the answer significantly and even then, if a platform such as WordPress, which plugins etc?

No one can give you a set answer even with all the questions answered. Your best bet is to see what you're using now in terms of resources and determine where you need to start. Ensure your provider offers the ability to easily upgrade and downgrade and from there, do so as needed.
RAM will not just be used up by the website.

what have you on the server

cPanel, CSF, ClamAV, WHMXtra, Softaculous etc. all use RAM

Even Apache is RAM intensive
You should be able to handle 2k visitors with 4GB RAM.
It also depends from the resources usages and if there is any database connected to it.
Your question purely depends on the software powering the website, the configuration of the software serving your website and hoe well said software is optimized. Provide a bit more information about your website, like the script being used to power it....
VPS with 4GB RAM can cater to approx 200 concurrent connections!

You will be easily able to handle spikes in traffic if your average visits go upto 100 concurrent visitors.
What you have seems sufficient however the software you are using to control the server, and the CMS you are using to control your website and the plugnins you may have may account for more resource usage and before you know it, You may need more sooner