Should Certifications Be Needed for Hosting?


New member
Fly by night hosts take people's money and then close up shop later...hurting the industry. How do you feel about the idea of having some sort of web hosting consortium and/or certification for web hosting companies?

Obviously the hosts have to really get something out of it for it to be valuable, and the public needs to know about it.....both fairly expensive propositions.

Just curious on other's thoughts....
I think that it is an interesting idea, but will be very,very hard to actually implement. I also think that this may turn around and just help the big hosts become monopolies over the industry if it were to have a fee. And if it did not have a fee, any company would be accepted. Could you elaborate on your ideas of how a company is accepted?
I don't have specific ideas on how to organize it or how to run it, my posting was more to get other's thoughts on the issue. Whether it would be something beneficial for the companies involved as well as customers.
I would definitely support it.
Hosting companies should have to have a registered business at the very least and the owner should have to be of legal age to enter into a binding contract.

The problem is international borders. Unless all countries are on board the system wouldn't work.
This is an excellent idea, unfortunately almost impossible to make it real. Why would companies go for something like this? They certainly don't want to be controlled in any way.

Now, if you set up a certification program, it has got to be a very serious one to avoid becoming just another "top customer support award" or something like this. Then you need a budget to get known. Isn't Better Business Bureau doing something very close to what you're proposing?

Actually I was thinkong of this very thing. But the problem with most of these host reporting sites is that you pay to play. Now my idea is this. If the host wants a S.A.P. He don't pay nothing, but must meet a set minimum of reuirements

1. No way to support this without charging.
2. Theres already a flood of such sites out there now.
Maybe come up with a setup cost. A one time cost for handling the paper work maybe. Once they get approved, which ever way you decide to do it, they would then have to pay the setup cost to get the final set of the approval.

When it comes to business, people do relize it takes money to make money no a small setup fee with the appilcation might work, but a resonable setup charge.
I agree with lucnet. I think a set-up fee would also help to weed out the people who don't want to shed any expense and make a 100% profit. I would like to hear what anybody thinks some of the requirements for a company to be accepted should be, if you don't mind.
Xcel_Hosting said:
I agree with lucnet. I think a set-up fee would also help to weed out the people who don't want to shed any expense and make a 100% profit. I would like to hear what anybody thinks some of the requirements for a company to be accepted should be, if you don't mind.

Actually if you are sincere bout that I would like to talk about this in partnership form
I don't see how two "civilians" can implement this type of system though. I don't really want to be the one to do this, but I still support the idea. If you do decide to go forward with something like this, you may want to try to make it a voluntary thing at first that hosts can join, and then as the system gains credibility, it might just make it big time as an official certification.
OK. In the next few days I am gonna need some beta testers for this. If anyone wants to be the guinea pig just pm me or post here and I will pm you. I have got 3 local area businessmen involved in this and they are anxious to see what the outcome of this little venture will be, just as I am too.