How Do They Compare? — VPS vs. Reseller Hosting

I think the main advantage of VPS hosting is root access. You will get dedicated IP’s along with the VPS itself. With root SSH access you'd have more control than reseller account, However the basics like adding accounts, setting plan limits, etc. would almost be the same either way. A regular reseller plan does not allow you to create another reseller plan. In a VPS, you may create your own reseller accounts from WHM.
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The BIG diffirence is that VPS need to be managed and only those who know how should buy one. Reseller hosting is what you should buy when you are just starting out. Reseller hosting is managed by the provider and all you have to do is create packages, market your business and expand.
The BIG diffirence is that VPS need to be managed and only those who know how should buy one. Reseller hosting is what you should buy when you are just starting out. Reseller hosting is managed by the provider and all you have to do is create packages, market your business and expand.

Great advice. Lack of server management skills is what keeps so many in the reseller ranks from going VPS.
Great advice. Lack of server management skills is what keeps so many in the reseller ranks from going VPS.

The problem with VPS i faced when i had a vps is

1) You need to take care of server management
2) You need to pay for the control panel license fee
3) Your disk space will be too limited, unlike reseller hosting you may not get 100 GB or more for less than $20
4) If you do some mistakes with your VPS or use it for purposes which are not approved by your host your host, your VPS will be lost, no chance of getting data is you dont have enough backup
5) Not many VPS companies offer managed VPS, its a big issue with setting up security
6) Cannot be used for Reseller hosting, not affordable.

The advantage is

1) You decide everything in the vps its like owning a small dedi.
2) You can run any softwares which are permitted for general usage in VPS
3) USeful for sites which exceeds the traffic of Shared hosting
4) Fast loading and control over many factors in the site.

The above is my personal experience.
On one hand running a VPS does give your more flexiblity with the root access, but on the other hand requires knowledge of server security, software patching and a steep learning curve. It should after all be treated as a dedicated server. Reseller accounts are beneficial to start out with, security is looked after by upstream provider and only basic knowledge is required. A VPS can be managed or unmanaged and if managed have varying levels of support. If going the VPS route be sure to check each companies management policy.

Good Luck,
True, runing a VPS would give you more flexibility becuase of root access. But, a VPS requires knowledge on server management and security software. VPS and Resellers have their pros and cons, but I do not see reseller hosting going anywhere anytime soon.
As most have stated above, reseller is most likely cheaper for the hdd/bandwidth per month, and gives you way less headaches, but at the cost of less control. VPS is all about total control but with greater costs attached (licenses etc) and much more hands-on requirements. (setting up the OS, security, installing software, keeping it up to date, etc)
Go with a VPS for added flexibility and added benefits such as root access which will allow you to install stuff on demand as you need to. Also a lot more "isolated" then reseller/shared web hosting.

Reseller web hosting is great for a web hosting provider to start out with because it allows them to have very little knowledge on server administration, and allows them to focus more on the business side of web hosting.
VPS = More money, more control, less known to handle, if it there is support to help you get around that is a + if there isn't it will be a waste since time will be taken in order to learn how to use.

Reseller = Less money, less control, mostly known how to handle, support, easy setup.
VPS = More money, more control, less known to handle, if it there is support to help you get around that is a + if there isn't it will be a waste since time will be taken in order to learn how to use.

Reseller = Less money, less control, mostly known how to handle, support, easy setup.

Great advice, I think that sums it all that I need to know. Thanks.
Well that's why you got to research and look around not just go with the 1st one you see! Also support is also something for VPS some may come with the price you pay, other may have an additional cost for any support ticket you send out which isn't really beneficial to none other but the company.
For the VPS companies unless you have some stron references never buy that VPS, check the forums for reviews, have a chat with the sales rep, check with the current users then go for it
Yeah, it also depends on his budget. Sometimes VPS can be pricey, some can be cheat. In my opinion, pay more for better quality service and support. Never go cheap.

The biggest thing is that Virtual Private Servers (VPS) allow root / ssh access. Most web hosting providers will not allow ssh access on their web resellers and if they do its very limited compared to VPS. Also, with a VPS you have much more freedom then you do with web resellers - hands down. If you do choose a VPS I strongly recommend asking specific details regarding there servers and network. For example: "How many VPS are on one server?" "On that one server what is the server specs?" "Where are your servers located?" "What is the bandwidth line - is it dedicated or shared?" and so on. Asking these questions will in the end ultimately determine for you if the company is ideal. Your satisfaction is everything and if the company is not willing to provide you the information to the questions you answer that's should be a red flag in you mind. Best of luck!

The biggest thing is that Virtual Private Servers (VPS) allow root / ssh access. Most web hosting providers will not allow ssh access on their web resellers and if they do its very limited compared to VPS. Also, with a VPS you have much more freedom then you do with web resellers - hands down. If you do choose a VPS I strongly recommend asking specific details regarding there servers and network. For example: "How many VPS are on one server?" "On that one server what is the server specs?" "Where are your servers located?" "What is the bandwidth line - is it dedicated or shared?" and so on. Asking these questions will in the end ultimately determine for you if the company is ideal. Your satisfaction is everything and if the company is not willing to provide you the information to the questions you answer that's should be a red flag in you mind. Best of luck!

Many good points. VPS vs Reseller is IMO about control & independence. When I started hosting the VPS market wasn't very big, perhaps nonexistent, and I demanded root access do it cost me quite a bit to go dedicated my first time around.

Many people say to start with a reseller account, then go VPS, then dedicated, etc.. They say that you need to gain experience with a reseller account before you have the RESPONSIBILITY of root(it is a responsibility, like having a kid :uhh:)

Anyways, I disagree in that I think if you're ready for a reseller account you can handle a VPS. Just have your provider install your control panel. Even unmanaged will usually setup most everything for you, but starting out I suggest fully managed just in case you get in a rut. Then manage your accounts just as you would on a reseller account, but with the room to expand and learn how to be an actual admin.

There are advantages to reseller accounts in some cases. In some cases you could get an account on a nice Quad XEON, 4GB+ Ram, and the other resellers on the server aren't using much so it's left to you. But where there's positive there's always negative.. You get packed onto the same server but that's been oversold like crazy and goes soooo slow you're pulling your hair out...

You will never run into that(so long as the VPS providers isn't an idiot) with a VPS. Your resources are YOURS, dedicated to you, plus burst memory is always nice :D