In need af a control panel.


New member

New here and glad to be on board.

I have a webserver running on a windows machine with Apache, Php, Perl and MySql, along with, WSFTP-pro ftp server, DNS server and a Pop3 email server. I am also lucky enough to have a 2mb connection.

The only thing I have not been able to find is a hosting control panel that will work under this enviroment.

Can anyone recommend one that will either work, or be tweeked to this server?

Thanks in advance,

Paul Miller

There are many, many Windows control panels available - such as Helm for an example.

Try doing a search on Google and see what it turns up. :)

The problem that I am having is that i am finding is that hosting control panels are restricted to their OS enviroment The software I find for windows will only work with IIS or Windows 2003 server for an example. Others like WHT-4.2 and Plesk, work with the Linux OS, Apache, Proftp, Bind etc.

If a guy had the knowhow, he could make a MINT converting a HCP to work with Apache under a windows envirment. And I mean a MINT!
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correct me if I am wrong, but foxserv is a bunch of apache webserver, php, mysql.... but millergroup need a control panel.

millergroup, you can check out HELM. It's very easy to use, running on Windows platform. Only problem is HELM is working with IIS. not sure about Apache.
hmmm, it seems you are using most of linux enviroment, perl, php, mysql, apache ... why you don´t switch to linux os ?

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