Does Apple's M1 chip has a future in web hosting?


Staff member
With some sick performance that Apple's new M1 chip is demonstrating, do you think it has a future in web hosting? If the chip became available, could M1 power servers?
With some sick performance that Apple's new M1 chip is demonstrating, do you think it has a future in web hosting? If the chip became available, could M1 power servers?
Knowing Apple, they will keep this for their Macs and sue anyone using it for other systems
Well, right now they're saying it's solely for their MAC's, but I'd love to see it become available for servers. Would definitely be a niche market.
It's just an ARM with some specific Apple tweaks. You can get ARM machines now, from places like scaleway. I'm sure though that more "tweaked" ARM processors will start to arrive as other companies copy Apple. Also, I'd like to see what Intel does, now it seems that it's competitors are both beating them.

Intel, like Apple, prefer slow incremental changes, but I bet they could jump a couple of gens to pull it back.

Lucky for us Linux can run on both ARM and i686, but we would need our control panels to support ARM before we could think about making the move.
I can't see Apple M1 chips taking off any time soon for hosting but who knows what they'll have in the future!
With some sick performance that Apple's new M1 chip is demonstrating, do you think it has a future in web hosting? If the chip became available, could M1 power servers?
No, I don't think we will ever compromise Intel on this issue. Even AMD still doesn't feel reliable, but sometimes we have to use it :)

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