A2 Hosting - 34% Off - Root Access - Fully Managed - SSD Drives - 2250+ Reviews

Alex - A2 Hosting

Active member
A2 Hosting was founded in 2003 and to date we power hundreds of thousands of websites in 3 continents (USA: Michigan, Europe: Amsterdam and Asia: Singapore). Since our inception, we have been a customer driven company and operate under the saying: Our speed, your success. A saying we truly stick to.

For a limited time, we are offering a 34% discount on your first invoice. With billing cycles ranging from 1 month to 2 years, the longer you pre-pay the more you save.

To claim this discount, simply use the coupon code: CODE34 during checkout.

Included in all core managed VPS packages:

  • Fully Managed Server
  • cPanel / WHM Control Panel
  • Anytime Money Back Guarantee
  • 24/7 US-Based Guru Support (Ticket, Email, Phone and Chat)
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • Root Access
  • Pure SSD Drives
  • USA, EU and Asia locations available
  • & So much more!

The Packages:

- Normally $49.99, now from only $32.99 with the coupon: CODE34
4GB Memory
75GB Storage
2TB Transfer
Free SSD Drives
Root Access
Free cPanel / WHM
Anytime Money Back Guarantee
Order Now

Prestige+ - Normally $69.99, now from only $46.19 with the coupon: CODE34
6GB Memory
100GB Storage
3TB Transfer
Free SSD Drives
Root Access
Free cPanel / WHM
Anytime Money Back Guarantee
Order Now

Pinnacle+ - Normally $99.99, now from only $65.99 with the coupon: CODE34
8GB Memory
150GB Storage
4TB Transfer
Free SSD Drives
Root Access
Free cPanel / WHM
Anytime Money Back Guarantee
Order Now

What some of our clients say:

Corey - BC, Canada
I think of myself as fairly tech savvy but had an issue with changing PHP version on my wordpress site which resulted in a white screen of death which I was unable to resolve. I knew it was probably not too technical but owing to the fact this was around 12:30a.m. on the Canadian West Coast I wrote an email to support thinking it would be next day before I possibly could get any feedback.

To my shock and surprise IT support responded to my email barely 2 minutes after I hit the send button!

Their feedback was professional and from the response I knew my IT support guy was knowledgeable due to how he responsed. I was unable to resolve the issue on my end that night (Internet Provider caching issues which was out of my control) but A2 followed up with me early next morning and everything was resolved.

It doesn't matter if the problem is simple or technical... what really speaks volumes to a customer and customer satisfaction is response time. Especially when it comes to web hosting.

In my case, I was taken by surprise how fast A2 support is especially so since this was midnight on the west coast.

I highly recommend them, their service is professional and their server response time is very fast (Which was why I switched to them in the first place).

Alexandra Leslie - Gainesville, FL
A2 Hosting's amazingly wide range of options for customization and cost control make them a premier provider of shared and VPS hosting. With an emphasis on performance and a commitment to solving customer problems, A2 has optimized solutions built exclusively for their network. You won't regret going "Turbo" with A2 Hosting's packages.

CJones - Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
I have been a webmaster for almost 2 years now. I was on a shared plan in the past but my site kept going down with memory issues and the speed was a concern.

After lots of research I decided to make the switch to a Virtual Private Server (VPS) with A2Hosting due to their focus on high speed. They certainly haven't disappointed! After transferring all of my sites over from my old host at no cost at all, they patiently helped me with various tech support concerns I had. A2 use English speaking support staff which is a nice change from most companies who outsource to foreign countries to reduce costs.

Since switching to A2 none of my 10 sites have gone down even once (!) this is vital when owning an online business as your focus should always be on the visitors without back-end concerns.

Aside from hosting my data on an SSD, I also get access to Cloudflare services FOR FREE. This is a godsend with its "Always Online" feature and Railgun tech. Really helps to speed things up. Some of my sites were loading at under 1 second, and now even with lots of javascript added on the page (social buttons, Google Ads, Facebook widgets and more) the load time is still just over 1 second.

A2Hosting lets me focus on what matters when trying to expand my business.

I have been with many different hosts and had many different experiences with them, good and bad, so when I accidentally stumbled across A2 at first I was unsure by their claims but WOW! They are by far the best hosts i have ever been with!!

I'm actually shocked by how amazing this service is because for the price the return you get is incredible, super stable servers, LIGHTNING fast sites, great prices, very helpful staff.

What i love most is everything is pre-configured and optimized for maximum performance from the get go so you don't have to spend lots of time setting things up and they have done it so well! On what would usually take me a few days to do with another host is already done with A2 and its stable as well so I don't need to worry about it causing problems down the line.

I love A2 for making life so easy.

Agostino P- Venice, Italy
One month ago I bought a SSD wordpress hosting solution from A2 and payed 2 years for it in advance because I read some really positive reviews. Well I can confirm that I did well and those reviews told the truth. A2 is great but even if they offer unlimited features, SSD servers, ect, I can say that the greatest feature they have is customer support. I had a couple of issues and those guys solved them immediately and their answers were always accurate and well thought. Customer support is really important and since it's 16 years that I work on websites and used a lot of different hosting providers, I can safely tell you that A2 is probably the one that gave me the best answers and the fastest responses.

Andreas S - Cornwall, United Kingdom
A2 Hosting's services robust, feature rich, whilst very clear, easy, and efficient to use.

The best part of A2 Hosting for me has to be the customer support experience. I have had some good support from companies in the past, but A2 really excels in offering excellent professional customer service. Support is very clear, swift, kind, professional, and you are always spoken to respectfully. I just spent over an hour speaking to a consultant named Thomas W, he answered everything I asked of him, and he went over and beyond my expectations, making my experience as convenient as possible. On another occasion, I must have initiated 20 live chats with Matt for information, his support was better than I could expect too!

I have already recommended A2 Hosting to a few business partners, and I will be migrating all of my hosting to A2. I value a clear and strong experience for hosting and managing my domains, and A2 is just so much better than all the other hosts I have used to date, making it worth every penny of the cost of subscription!

Thanks a lot!

From a very happy customer!

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Questions? Feel free to contact us at sales [at] a2hosting.com, initiate a live chat or call us on: 888-546-8946

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