Recent content by Avuntia

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    Avuntia Premium Hosting (division of Avuntia)

    Avuntia Hosting a a Premium hosting service provided by Avuntia Group. We use exactly the same hardware and custom software as we use for delivering thousands of ads all around the web. So we offer the following: ------------------------------------- Unit 1 Disk Space: 500MB Bandwidth: 25GB...
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    Is there such a think such as free VPS?

    Is there such a think such as free VPS? I have been pretty curios. I have seen a couple of sites however what are the catches on them???
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    Affordable website backup services (pays you for downtime)

    What we do? We are Avuntia, we specialize in backing up data on the web, mostly websites. We monitor take backups of our clients websites and pay them as soon as we detect any downtime. Avuntia - Small Visitor - 0 - 1,000,000 Diskspace - 5GB FTP or SFTP backup Encrypted files (optional) Any...

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