You Opinion on on AI in websites.


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I know when the whole AI thing started Google stated that it was fine with AI and would penalize it in serps. But as with everything Google you have to read between the lines, they didn't say... trashy content, mass produced content and copied content would now also be ok.

I see a lot of webmasters complaining on websites like search engine land (Which I hate BTW) about their AI sites getting knocked in the last Algorithm update.

I personally like this, I had noticed when asking AI to write about the areas that I have knowledge in its really not that good with producing content. I wouldn't be able to tell if it were to write something that was outside my area of knowledge, (besides for the reused phrases like "elevate" and the structure) and the lack of metaphors. I believe AI was designed to be convincing in its responses.

I'm not anti AI, I think its super useful I'm just happy to see that human input is still going to be needed in this industry (for now) and I assume many others to make it a truly powerful tool.
AI has its limitations in producing high-quality content, especially in areas where human expertise and creativity are required.
Google's stance on AI in SERPs may exclude trashy, mass-produced, and copied content from ranking well.
Human input is still crucial in the industry to ensure the quality and relevance of content, making AI a useful but not completely reliable tool.
Having spoken to a SEO expert in a Canadian based firm, AI is okay to use, in moderation. While AI is really good at producing structure and some content, a human touch is still very required in order to shape it for your audience and your objectives. He mentioned something like 80 to 20 ratio.

At the end of the day Google's number one interest is giving the most helpful and valuable information to their customers first. If you are able to do that with the use of AI, Google shouldn't care that much.
AI is perfectly fine for websites and SEO - as long as you use your brain.

It's been tested by several to dump out thousands of pages, and they rank, but after time, they drop in rankings and power. And depending on the SEO person that ran their experiment, the site was blacklisted from Google - hunt youtube for that info :)

But at the end of the day, if you give the user what they want, whether that's AI or Manually Written, the name of the game is useful info.

Be aware that Google is also using their own AI stuff - so if you're just producing AI and copy and paste, likely Google will use it's own AI produced material. If you enhanced the produced content with manual info and relatable stories, then you're perfectly fine and will keep the ranking.

We write quite a bit with AI to help with writers block, then strip the majority of what AI wrote - but it's a great launching pad.
AI is perfectly fine for websites and SEO - as long as you use your brain.

It's been tested by several to dump out thousands of pages, and they rank, but after time, they drop in rankings and power. And depending on the SEO person that ran their experiment, the site was blacklisted from Google - hunt youtube for that info :)

But at the end of the day, if you give the user what they want, whether that's AI or Manually Written, the name of the game is useful info.

Be aware that Google is also using their own AI stuff - so if you're just producing AI and copy and paste, likely Google will use it's own AI produced material. If you enhanced the produced content with manual info and relatable stories, then you're perfectly fine and will keep the ranking.

We write quite a bit with AI to help with writers block, then strip the majority of what AI wrote - but it's a great launching pad.
Yeah, they suspect they got them through the search console to tell who the site owner is and what sites they own.

I also don't think it helps when you create a massive YouTube channel on how to game Google...

I suspect that Google updated its algorithm to look at how many pages have been indexed in a period of time to catch all the people who followed those, also most of the content will be the same, what people don't realize is everybody is drawing info FROM AI and accepts it.

This creates reinforcement for that answer creating a negative feedback loop. So we sit with essentially duplicate content in a lot of cases.

We were meant to also feed it new info, but people are lazy or don't want AI to use the work they spend hours/ days creating just to have it shown in SGE with maybe some tiny reference link.

If you think Google is about quality and not confusion to push you into Adwords Go look at the verges post on printers. Just google best printers a super heavy keybword and look at what they wrote.

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