Recommend Hero Section Banner Ideas

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We are planning to change our Homepage Hero Section Banner and are looking for suggestions on what can be done for the best and most promising that can be shown on the banner.

Currently, it look like this:

Screenshot 2023-03-17 at 11.43.18 AM-min.jpg
I like it just the way it is; the color scheme, the fonts, white space, verbiage, the overall layout, the bullet points, the ratings and links. 5 stars ...
The information is up front and easy to read. The colour palette and the colour choice for buttons all work together nicely. I can see what you are saying about the image of the lady, but honestly it isn't something you are paying much attention to.
Whatever you do, don't remove a person from the image. Too many hosting companies show just a stock image of a rack of servers. The visual image of a person, even if they are stock a image, brings a different level of trust and familiarity. Keep a person in the image. You can try swapping them out for other people, but definitely keep a torso & face :)
Marketing says more men will click on a banner of a woman, even though most men will want to talk to another man for support. While my wife is the boss and is the money person, there are some prospects we talk with that will only talk to a guy. We can instantly feel it on a call, and she backs off when they start interrupting or talking over her.
After I posted this message, I went to verify some resources and found an article saying that 50% of millennials now consider gender to be spectrum - and using a picture of a man or woman could be considered offensive. We're not getting into that discussion :)

The article went on to talk about using gender neutral, or one of each, or a cartoon as being a better route. They suggested a dog, but then also said you can alienate cat owners. People are so fickle :)

So, to cover my bases; marketing is always changing depending on demographics (age, location & gender).
After I posted this message, I went to verify some resources and found an article saying that 50% of millennials now consider gender to be spectrum - and using a picture of a man or woman could be considered offensive. We're not getting into that discussion :)

The article went on to talk about using gender neutral, or one of each, or a cartoon as being a better route. They suggested a dog, but then also said you can alienate cat owners. People are so fickle :)

So, to cover my bases; marketing is always changing depending on demographics (age, location & gender).
:LOL::LOL::LOL: we obviously not getting into that but in our industry people more trust on Mens I believe
Actually, I prefer the original. Is that guy running the 100 meter dash or did he just slip on a banana peel? :)
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