Phone support - How important is it in the hosting industry

The availability of 24/7 phone support is a cornerstone for companies that care about customer comfort.
You might get immediate interaction, but that does not guarantee faster resolution. I was with a provider years ago where their phone support consisted of level one techs who couldn't seem to answer the simplest of queries.

Let's clarify something. For the most part it depends whether people are going to be using your phone line for actual support or general sales questions. The very existence of this line does provide comfort, but if properly educated, people will gravitate towards a ticket system, especially if you address issues quickly. Unless a website is down and they are acting in panic mode, a line will likely be mostly used by new prospective clients calling in with a question or two, potentially to test the water prior to making their decision. We are big proponents to having a phone line, even if it has limited weekly hours.
I too am a big proponent of having sales answer via phone for sales queries during normal business hours. There's always the issue though of time zones. When Australia is 14 hours ahead of providers or London 7 hours or India 11 hours, live phone sales support or live chat often isn't always possible, and I don't expect service support to quote pricing on sales promotions, especially if it's a custom build. Even so, I agree it's better to have a phone than not. Just don't expect to have level 2 or level 3 techs on the midnight shift.
I do think offering phone support 24/7 is a great asset if the reps on the other end are professional and competent. Unfortunately, you run the risk of talking to level one techs that have to escalate most of the calls.
This here is key. Actually for live chat as well. Phone support is super effective, especially for more critical issues, but you need somebody who can action things and is knowledgeable. It can really create a very strong customer bond.

If they say thank you we will escalate it you may as well have created a ticket. I will go as far as saying it can do more harm when you call or live chat and then get a ticket made because the operator is only there to answer calls and give an impression of immediate support.

If you are talking to somebody who doesn't know what they are talking about. It really gives a bad impression.

I think for most of us when we call we expect a competent person on the other end.

I think this is a costly exercise though having higher-level techs answering phones.
You might get immediate interaction, but that does not guarantee faster resolution. I was with a provider years ago where their phone support consisted of level one techs who couldn't seem to answer the simplest of queries.
If the consultants are not properly qualified then indeed telephone contact may not necessarily yield the desired results. However, we believe that if a company offers such contact it should properly train its consultants so that customers can talk to professionals and get a good impression of the company. An unqualified hotline can bring image damage to a brand.
Let's clarify something. For the most part it depends whether people are going to be using your phone line for actual support or general sales questions. The very existence of this line does provide comfort, but if properly educated, people will gravitate towards a ticket system, especially if you address issues quickly. Unless a website is down and they are acting in panic mode, a line will likely be mostly used by new prospective clients calling in with a question or two, potentially to test the water prior to making their decision. We are big proponents to having a phone line, even if it has limited weekly hours.
Phone support is highly important in the hosting industry. While many customer inquiries and issues can be resolved through online channels such as live chat or email, phone support provides a more immediate and personal means of communication. It allows customers to speak directly with a support representative, ask questions, and receive real-time assistance. Phone support is particularly valuable for urgent or complex issues that require immediate attention. Hosting companies that offer reliable and responsive phone support tend to earn higher customer satisfaction and loyalty, as it provides a sense of reassurance and personalized assistance to their customers.
Have to admit not seeing a lot of providers offering phone support, much less 24/7. Do you think offering this service gives them an advantage? Would you prefer to initiate a support ticket?
Yes, providing phone support, especially 24/7, gives hosting providers a clear advantage. Clients can discuss issues in real-time, leading to quicker problem resolution and a more satisfactory customer experience compared to initiating support tickets.
I prefer Live Chat, Phone Support is annoying. Not just for Hosting, but for all companies. Too many automated messages, and automated menus to go through, sometimes it is just easier to get in touch with a human via live chat then phone support.

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