Most reliable datacenter

The biggest thing you want to make sure is that it's Tier 3+ has 24/7 support onsite and don't charge you for reboots and basic tasks.

At the end of the day anything can happen and there can be some downtime, however we've noticed over the years remote hands is one major factor that many miss.

It's useless being in a remote data center if they don't have staff 24/7 we see this a lot in New York people requesting remote hands from us because their data center is lights out with no techs onsite.
We are definitely the most reasonable! We can work anything out with you to fit your needs. We have >99.9% uptime and have extensive physical and digital securities.
It depends on needs,features and location you are looking for.
Reliability factors depends on the recovery time. Less the recovery time, more reliable will be the data center.
And how is that related to reliability for clients?

well a datacentre that ignores spams or reply with insults etc. is not reliable as in my eyes this would imply they are behind the spam etc. or just dont care 1 bit.

the sooner the french authorities close these down the better
well a datacentre that ignores spams or reply with insults etc. is not reliable as in my eyes this would imply they are behind the spam etc. or just dont care 1 bit.

the sooner the french authorities close these down the better

I get your point and i agree that it is important for a hosting provider to process abuses and reply to legal authorities, but i don't think it's the most crucial factor when choosing a reliable data-center.
I get your point and i agree that it is important for a hosting provider to process abuses and reply to legal authorities, but i don't think it's the most crucial factor when choosing a reliable data-center.

So security is not a crucial factor in your eyes then.

If a DC is allowing its services to be used for Spamming/Phishing and then ignores abuse reports and insults anyone filing such reports then this is a major security issue in my eyes.
as either the DC is behind the Spam etc. or they are allowing the spammers access to their servers to plant keyloggers/adware/malware etc. across the nodes giving them access to their clients servers etc.
So security is not a crucial factor in your eyes then.

If a DC is allowing its services to be used for Spamming/Phishing and then ignores abuse reports and insults anyone filing such reports then this is a major security issue in my eyes.
as either the DC is behind the Spam etc. or they are allowing the spammers access to their servers to plant keyloggers/adware/malware etc. across the nodes giving them access to their clients servers etc.

That's not what i meant, and that's important to check ToS of any provider. My point is if you agree with ToS and you're not using services for insulting spamming/fishing/bruteforcing etc, you shouldn't even care about their abuse department stuff, i don't see every client as an evil doer). In my opinion reliability for Data center are comes from stability, power redundancy, network redundancy, stable climate control and physical security of equipment.
That's why i was surprised when you stated that OVH are laugh based on the experience with their abuse department.
That's not what i meant, and that's important to check ToS of any provider. My point is if you agree with ToS and you're not using services for insulting spamming/fishing/bruteforcing etc, you shouldn't even care about their abuse department stuff, i don't see every client as an evil doer). In my opinion reliability for Data center are comes from stability, power redundancy, network redundancy, stable climate control and physical security of equipment.
That's why i was surprised when you stated that OVH are laugh based on the experience with their abuse department.

But their abuse dept. should not insulting anyone filing an abuse report, they should be taking these reports seriously, which OVH dont. They should be making sure their servers are not being used for spamming/phishing etc. and if they dont do this then they are just as responsible as their clients using their servers for these actions.
But their abuse dept. should not insulting anyone filing an abuse report, they should be taking these reports seriously, which OVH dont. They should be making sure their servers are not being used for spamming/phishing etc. and if they dont do this then they are just as responsible as their clients using their servers for these actions.

Yes, in common, you are right, i agree.
Still, there's been a lot of applicants lately, who can't even provide public ip of the client who's responsible, but want ISPs to block them right away.... Especially, when cloudflare is involved, and doesn't provide the end-user ip. That's why i'm questioning opinion based on abuse department, no offence :)
Yes, in common, you are right, i agree.
Still, there's been a lot of applicants lately, who can't even provide public ip of the client who's responsible, but want ISPs to block them right away.... Especially, when cloudflare is involved, and doesn't provide the end-user ip. That's why i'm questioning opinion based on abuse department, no offence :)

if someone uses cloudflare to send spam etc. then cloudflare should simply block the domain and account linked to the spam from using their services, but they dont, they are another one that ignores abuse reports.

If you can provide the email header then any ISP will be able to pinpoint the responsible client.
The issue is when the spammers use websites feedback forms or website ticket systems. abuse debt will say they cant do anything without email headers, but in then UK that does not wash with authorities. If you can show the server log relating to the spam etc. then that is enough evidence
For the UK, we have used RapidSwitch for 4 years - Been absolutely solid in terms of network speeds and stability.

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