How often do you update your website content and graphics?


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website is never complete and there are always some kind of changes required.
How often do you update your website content and graphics?
It depends on the website. For my hosting website, I update minor changes once a month and major changes once in a couple of years.
I don't and won't change the overall structure of the website, very often. I will change the images and promo's nearly every week or fit the promo around the event that's happening that day. I.e easter etc
In our SEO Services, we request users to change information on their site at a minimum of weekly. This doesn't mean rewriting home pages etc, but it does mean adding new blog articles etc.

Think of it like this - would you visit a friend who hasn't had a new thought in several months (or years)? The same conversation every time? Probably not! This is how Google thinks too! Why list someone who hasn't changed anything on their site in "X" months, when you could list someone that has an interest in their site and keeping things fresh?

Again, you don't need or want to change things on your main pages every week, but it certainly should be changed every couple of months, depending on your SEO strategy and how your results are going.

Rarely do we suggest a complete rewrite of a page, but depending on what results are happening, something it's best to rip the bandaid off.
I think depending on your seo strategy is sums it up.
If you go onto your search console you will see over the course of a few months that people will search the same thing with a different query, sometimes enough you will notice it on google's similar searches I do go in to change when I see this happening.

So what we do with our website is look at what people are searching and we adjust according to that.

It can be very hard to keep track of this for multiple clients but usually when the similar searches changes it will take away from another keyword so you would see traffic drops and some impression increase for similar terms that you aren't ranking as well for.

I do find that older bigger websites do tend to not bend so much to this as google "knows them well enough" its usually newer site ( 6 months upward atleast ) that are fragile to these changes.

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