Has anyone tried IndexNow protocol for search engine indexing?


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IndexNow essentially allows you to take control of your content indexing. Instead of waiting days and weeks for your site to be crawled, it allows you to ping the right crawlers when you've made an update, to allow for near real-time indexing.

The number of search engines supporting the free protocol is currently limited to a few, with Bing being the only notable player that matters. They do promise to expand the list of search engines in the near future.

Wondering if anyone is familiar with IndexNow, or tried to implement it. Here is the website: https://www.indexnow.org/
It's been around nearly 2 years, but for us, we don't bother with it on any of our client sites. While Bing supports it, Google and DuckDuckGo don't.

We've found just opening the search console for both Bing and Google and submitting it there (render URL, submit) works just fine. Google can pick up a URL in just a couple of hours as opposed to weeks for light trafficked sites.

I like the concept of it, but since the only real engine it supports is Bing, there's limited takers. There are some wordpress plugins, and I believe Yoast & RankMath both support it too - but we've just not bothered.
We've found just opening the search console for both Bing and Google and submitting it there (render URL, submit) works just fine. Google can pick up a URL in just a couple of hours as opposed to weeks for light trafficked sites.
Do you submit the URL through the search console on every update?
Do you submit the URL through the search console on every update?
Not the same guy you asked, but every time we add a new page we just resubmit the Sitemap through the Bing & Google Search Console every update. I know, eventually, it will be updated any way but I'd rather it was done quicker if I take a few minutes to manually resubmit it.

Since our main site is hosted on CloudFlare, we do use IndexNow via Bing - but we find it either doesn't work properly or we're not using it correctly/don't understand it as it will resubmit the same image(s) daily but won't find new pages that are created - strange.
Do you submit the URL through the search console on every update?
As @SharedGrid said, we do them on any page that is updated. If a new post is made on our blog, we update that blog post.

We go one step further when it comes to our blog posts. Since usually we're linking from an existing blog post in our site that may be a few years old, when we update the link on that old post, we re-inspect that page again in the console and then submit so that it has the latest edits (even if the only thing edited was a link).

Any edit on any page/post gets resubmitted. Takes just a few minutes, but well worth it.
Nope, no abuse. The only warning they have is that submitting the same URL several times will not speed up the process. So as long as you're just updating them to come back and visit the site as something changed, you're in the clear with no issues.

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