Why is this domain always in my site stats?

Your not the only one - I think Avant modifies the header information to it's own 'ad' rather than the correct referer. So any user of Avant will show as their site rather than the real referer.

Might ask that on their forum :)
Ah right thanks Decker :)
Just wasnt sure why it was doing it, thought maybe it had something to do with someone using the browser to view the site but didnt know why it was showing as a site then
:D No probs - I get loads of them showing in my stats. Bit of a pain really when you try and work anything out from them. :rolleyes:
Looks like it has to be something in the browser.
Dont know why they are saying its not the browser though, are the forum admins on that site the coders of the browser?
Yep - they're not likely to admit to something they can't realistically fix as they can't roll out remote patches. Maybe they should have thought of that before some of the big guys ban the referrer :p
Are you talking about his sig Nick?
Because Im lost...

I never even heard of it before I saw it in my stats Rasputinj.

Welcome to the site by the way :)
Dont forget to introduce yourself in our introductions forum!
Most firewalls are now including block refer by default, as well as a lot of browsers now. Soon it'll become a lot harder to track URLs anyway
Decker said:
Yep - they're not likely to admit to something they can't realistically fix as they can't roll out remote patches. Maybe they should have thought of that before some of the big guys ban the referrer :p

Actually, Avant Browser only has one developer.. Mr Anderson Che

The forum admin's/mod's only know what the developer tells them.