I grew tired of the fact that WHM Autopilot couldn't make any deadlines they set. Granted, developing software is no easy task but telling all your customers a deadline and never reaching it isn't good business practice.
I think if WHM autopilot would have kept V3 quite for a long time they would have been much better off. Instead they opened a can of woms and started making promises they couldn't keep.
V3 was promised to clients over a year ago... it still hasn't been delivered.
I'm sure they've lost a lot of clients because of it which is to bad because it *seems* they have something good going. Only if they could ever get their deadlines met... You might want to see what I mean on their own forums here:
I personally wouldn't deal with a company that promises a product to its customers, which depend on it for their business and livelyhood, then keep feeding them along... its coming....... oh we made and update...... coming soon.... beta almost ready....... ONE YEAR LATER - WHM still isn't complete.
My company personally ran into trouble because of Payssytems, they dropped our account as of thousands of others, we were in desparate need of a Canadian processing company which we found.
WHM promised they would support it in V3 and lead us along, without us being able to process client transactions for MONTHS.
V3.... its coming......... beta soon........... small update. .......... some fake screenshots in photoshop......
We deceided to drop them and move to Modernbill otherwise my hosting business would have went under without making that decision.
What will happen when there are security issues and bugs with V3 that can expose your customers private information?
........................we received the security notice........................we are thinking about working on it.....................I took my son to football games ............. oh I've started an update it will be ready soon................... the update is almost ready ............
Meanwhile your business is open to attacks and it faces a good potential of completely going under because of their lack of updates.
I would SERIOUSLY consider looking at a company that actually has time to work on their product, which doesn't look like WHMAutopilot in my eyes.