How much does solaris platform from cost?First of all, I would like to mention that you have made a great decision choosing - really reliable company. I've had a good run with it. I highly recommend you to use Sun solaris for VPS. The Solaris project and task facilities allow you to label and separate workloads, as well as monitor resource consumption by each workload. One more important fact is that the extended accounting subsystem captures a detailed set of resource consumption statistics on both processes and tasks.
SunSolaris platform from globaltap costs as much as Linux and FreeBSD. That means $49.95 per month.How much does solaris platform from cost?
I see you are a lucky client of this company. :thumbup:
If you are going to use it for hosting than I would recommend using linux (CentOS) with a control panel. This takes the headache out of the whole hosting process. Most of the control panels will take a base linux install and make it a turn key web interface for configuring and getting the server ready to do hosting.