What type of hardware should I purchase?


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Hey kids. I'm undertaking a project in the next month that will entail many months of VERY intensive animation and

rendering, in flash, swift3d, and a third party video editor (most likely after effects). With my current setup, rendering

long passages of 3d animation can bog down my computer for an hour, which when you're under the gun can be lethal to time

and productivity. All this to say, I'm going to invest in a top-of the line pc. I understand that I'm going to have to

drop a few (or several) grand to accomplish this. Can anyone give me some reccomendations? I'd prefer to stay with a

brand that's easy to upgrade and understand (such as Dell). Can I anyone point me in the right direction? :thankyou:
Why not build it yourself? It will not cost as much.

For the jobs you will be carrying out, I would recommend that you get a Dual Core processor with about 2-4GB RAM.
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Core 2 Duo Processor/System woudl be a good choice - with ATLEAST 2GB ram.

I agree with HHS-Rob, better make or build one rather than getting one directly from a MFG. like Dell or HP or such.

Making custom ones will be much better - with your own required coonfiguration that you can ugprade/downgrade at any time.

Take care and read about the drive, a fast drive is the key to a fast system. Take a look at the WD Raptor Drives or use SCSI if it is in your budget.
Go for a quad core processors, and get a good Video card for your system. Build your own rig by that you can easily choose what to upgrade.
Go for a quad core processors, and get a good Video card for your system. Build your own rig by that you can easily choose what to upgrade.

You won't have a problem after you build your own rig.

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But that must be complicated?

It's not as complicated as everyone thinks at all, I just suggest reading a site or having a buddy that knows about building them help you around, it's a matter of plugging in wires in the right places and stuff in the right places, there are a lot of sites that have howtos on building computers.