What is your take on Alexa.com being shut down in 2022

I used to look at Alexa metrics quite a lot, but I haven't for years, don't know why really, I just kind of forget that it's there, so won't really notice when it stops being there I guess.

I've always thought it was an odd decision by Amazon to give two completely different products, online metrics and a personal voice assistant, the same name.
It's been long overdue. While it did provide some interesting stats, and we used it quite a bit back in the 1998-2004 timeframe, I never really saw how they could make money. People would install a browser bar (remember those?), and it would track what people did on the web and then update the database. The stats were skewed so badly as the only info and ranking they could provide was based on the people who had installed the browser bar app.

As I said, it was handy to use and see what keywords people were typing and where sites were ranking etc, but there are far more greater tools available. Alexa just never kept up with the times.

So, as of May 2022, is that when Alexa (the assistant) will take over the domain? I wonder what's in store!
Maybe they finding it hard to pay spammers to use their AWS service to spam others and then all you get back when reporting is pointless canned replies, so they using money saved to help fund their spammers
I can't help think that this is because Alexa (the devices) need a higher quality method of sniffing and gathering data, web crawling & toolbars are now a bit old hat.
The stats were skewed so badly as the only info and ranking they could provide was based on the people who had installed the browser bar app.
Exactly, and there are only quite specific demographics of people who would be bothering to install the browser bar (mostly the same people who would be looking at the Alexa analytics), so the results could never be very representative of actual users, but did give a valid comparison to other sites in the same niche I guess.
Times move on especially Technology.

You just think a few years back people installed all manners of browsers (alexa being one) and AltaVista was the no1 search engine until google took over

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