What do you look for?


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Guy everyone,

Hope everyone is keeping safe and well?

I've recently just launched my business, 3 weeks before COVID-19 put UK and the rest of the world, in lockdown and i've had a steady flow of orders and business etc.

My reseller offerings, seem competitive based on my initial research prior to launch. Now, i'm wondering what people look for in reseller hosting.

I'm very open to hear peoples thoughts, opinion and wants when looking for a provider, both from a service & feature offerings.

Would be great for me to hear your thoughts.

Note: I havn't added the link to my offerings, in as I don't want to break any of the rules in the forums

If I am looking for a reseller hosting service I would be looking for these.

- Reliable uptime
- 24/7 support
- Affordable price
- Features
- Backups
If I am looking for a reseller hosting service I would be looking for these.

- Reliable uptime
- 24/7 support
- Affordable price
- Features
- Backups

I would add not just 24/7 support, but professional and competent support.
Guys, thank you.

Does server location ever come into it? In your home country.

I thought all of what you guys have said but always good to get a second opinion.
I do agree server location plays an important role especially if major chunk of your clients are based in a particular geographical location.
However as an alternative, you should suggest your clients to use CDN to cache their pages at a server closer to their base location. That definately improves page load timings for off-shore clients.
Guy everyone,

Hope everyone is keeping safe and well?

I've recently just launched my business, 3 weeks before COVID-19 put UK and the rest of the world, in lockdown and i've had a steady flow of orders and business etc.

My reseller offerings, seem competitive based on my initial research prior to launch. Now, i'm wondering what people look for in reseller hosting.

I'm very open to hear peoples thoughts, opinion and wants when looking for a provider, both from a service & feature offerings.

Would be great for me to hear your thoughts.

Note: I havn't added the link to my offerings, in as I don't want to break any of the rules in the forums


Thanks great but after cpanel price hike now ppl are looking for affordable reseller with max user allowed or other optional control panel.
Look at your current usage and double it at least, triple is even better because coming half way through the month and running out of bandwidth is probable the worst thing you can do for your website, your users will probable desert you, if they see it isn’t online for a day or two.
Are you focused in any specific reseller customer segment?

If you have gained traction so far, it shows that you are on the right path and I would take any constructive feedback from your existing resellers seriously, so you can defend these customers well before further growing your market share.
When starting a reseller business, fast and reliable customer support is more then important, otherwise anyone can easily get their own VPS or dedicated server with cPanel and WHM Reseller control panel to run hosting business with their own.

So, if I'm a newbie in a hosting business, I would definitely need professional technical support to assist my customers as well.
When starting a reseller business, fast and reliable customer support is more then important, otherwise anyone can easily get their own VPS or dedicated server with cPanel and WHM Reseller control panel to run hosting business with their own.

So, if I'm a newbie in a hosting business, I would definitely need professional technical support to assist my customers as well.

Hello, As per my suggestion in the whole hosting industry customer support is the key to success, that does not matter how much you experienced everything depends on how much take time to solve your customer's problem
Top priority should be on performance and quality of service.

Server location is also important to reduce the latency.
It's true, many people aren't aware of how inexpensive web hosting is. The key is finding a web hosting company that can provide excellent customer support.
Make sure to contact web host and see if they can do services for you such as restarts etc fast.
Also confirm what kind of conditions your server would be kept under - that is very important.

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