Using of csf with pure-ftp on cPanel servers

New member

If you had installed csf on your server your clients will report an problem with their ftp , they could login successfully but they can't list files or directories.

This is happen because we are using csf so there is an solution for our problem let's go

1) Connect to your server shell and do the following command :
nano /etc/pure-ftpd.conf
Search for an line starting with "#PassivePortRange" just remove # from it .
You see there is numbers after "PassivePortRange" for example "500 600" get these numbers and replace this space with : to be "500:600"
Now overwrite file and close .

2) Do the following command :
nano /etc/csf/csf.conf
Search for an line starting with "tcp_in" add our port range which we got above to them and overwrite file then close .

3) Now let's restart csf and pure-ftp :
csf -r
service pure-ftpd restart

That's all

Good luck