Someone Suggest me for my small business accounting


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For people who do small business...!!!

I'm a normal small level business person to whom 'Accountancy' is always a 'mystery'. I had always been running around digits, credits, debits, ledgers, assets, liabilities etc etc. When i thought about using some tool then found many which were excellent in performance but I can't afford to buy those tools for my small business. Can anyone suggest me in using a free tool for my bookkeeping???
Thanks for the reference, cyberworldhost. While these all offer free trials, they do cost a little to purchase, but appear very affordable.
If you happen to be running linux you might check out GNUCash. Pretty powerful small business application thats opensource.

GNUCash works on Windows and Mac OSX as well, so you could give that a try.

Another free one that I've heard of is AceMoney Lite. Alternatively, you could buy one of the commercial ones when they're on sale as often there are some good deals and you can get them for like 50% off or even more.