Reward Points Confusion

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New member
Dear Administrators,

I think that it's a great idea to make sure that people have to ear their way to post in the advertising forum. However, as the concept of "Reward Points" and using them to purchase the right to post in the ad section isn't standart Internet practise, it would be great to have more information on it. Ok, one needs 50 points... but how does one get them? Just by posting messages? how many? etc etc

Sorry if stating the obvious, but this doesn't seem to be clear.
Ok, I see I have 5 points.

This is just a quick test message. Will the points increase by posting another message? Will they be 10? :santa:

I've answered my own quesiton here... feel free to close this thread...
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You may earn points in the Web Hosting Forums and Operating a Web Hosting Business categories.

5 points per new thread.
2 points per reply.

Of course, no spamming for points. ;)
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