Ping! Zine - I love it!


New member
I just back ordered the last 3 issues of ping zine since I am in Ireland.
Got them a lot quicker than I expected, I was expecting a few weeks wait from the states.

Anyway...on to the mags themselves.
I have only been reading 2 of the 3 so far, they have great articles, very helpful for both newbie and experienced hosts.

I was actually a bit amazed when I felt how thick the latest issue is, and all the content is great quality and informative.
There are some very good writers doing work for ping zine, including a few members of HR and at least one regular that I know of ;)

The layout of the mag is very good, makes it easy to read and it breaks down large articles very well keeping the reader interested.

It's great to have something in print to keep up to date with the industry and get lots of tips and tricks that help any host along the way, you can be sure you will learn something new from reading ping zine, no matter how long you have been in the industry yourself.

I have a question about something I saw in volume 2 issue 3 though, on page 33 you can see a man standing on something with 2 large wheels, is that used to go around a DC or what?
It looks familiar but since I am in Ireland with no DCs here, I wouldn't have any idea.. :rolleyes:

The ads seem to be more targeted towards the people reading it now, I know I have found a few ads interested and visited the sites, actually bought something from one of the ads I saw in PZ.

Still have lots left to read and a full, unopened issue in plastic to go :D

I'm hoping that HostingRefuge will be mentioned in it someday ;)

I would fully recommend anyone interested in hosting to signup for ping zine.
If you are outside the states, you will have to pay, but believe me, it is more than worth the small cost.

If you have missed any issues, you can also back order.

I'm a very happy ping zine reader :D

Thanks for the review, Ping Zine will be getting one new subscriber :)
See the competition is also being advertised on the main page now too.

Would people suggest ordering back issues for anything I missed out?

Do you pay full postage for each one or do you just pay the postage once and they are all sent in the one package?

Anyone here done writing for PZ before?

on page 33 you can see a man standing on something with 2 large wheels, is that used to go around a DC or what?

Can't say since I haven't seen it but I know that there are machines for transport in a large datacenter, there is a lot of space and it would be a lot quicker to have something to take you around rather than walk.
Doesn't help with giving the tech exercise though ;)
John, that sounds like a Segway. Niftoid toys that are only slightly more useful than tits on a bull, IMHO.

Steve Wozniak and party always zip around on these whenever they come to use their box at the amphitheatre. They're a huge obnoxious headache when you're trying to manage crowds.
By the way,
This is from Ping Zine:

For everyone that is out of the USA or inside USA and missed back issues. If you order any of the following issues ($9.95 each):

Issue 1 - Home Office Hosting
Issue 2 - Women in Web Hosting
Issue 3 - Starting a Hosting Company, Part One
Issue 7 - Ultimate Hosting Site

You will receive the following Issues FREE

Issue 4 - Starting a Hosting Company, Part Two
Issue 5 - The New Year
Issue 6 - Starting a Hosting Company, Part Three

Issues 1, 2 and 3 are in limited supply and when the stock gets low enough, the price of inidividual back orders of these will increase to $19.95 per issue, and once the stock is depleted, we will not be reprinting them. So get your Issues now!!!
I got my very first issue this week. Interesting to read and quite informative. I am looking forward to receive more issues.

If you don't get an issue Alex send them an email from the contact form on the website.
They will make sure it is resent.
Some are getting lost in the post from what I have read but I know they are very helpful if you don't get your issues.
Just let them know and you will get a reply about it.

What country are you in by the way?
I think they stopped doing overseas mailing around 2-3 months ago because it costs them around $9 for each mag they send overseas, the advertising wouldn't come anywhere near to covering that for each mag.