OLDEST, LARGEST & MOST TRUSTED server manager provider in the USA 15+ Yrs! only $29/m


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OLDEST, LARGEST & MOST TRUSTED server manager provider in the USA 15+ Yrs! only $29/m

Nowadays server management companies are becoming as common as someone throwing up a website. But to provide server management, you need more than just a someone who knows how to fix a server. You may find someone who is a great technician, but that does not make them a full service server management company.

Just like you need more than just a few chefs to run a successful restaurant, you need more than just someone who knows how to fix a server to run a reliable server management company.

The biggest difference between having just a tech and a full service server management company is reliability, reliability, reliability. In the last year we've seen almost a dozen one man companies selling server management disappear overnight leaving their customers stranded.

We've been in business for 15+ years exclusively providing server management, so when you go to sleep you can rest assured we will be here when you wake up.

We are located in New Jersey and have 15 full time employees. We provide support to over 3,000 servers monthly.
We are a member of the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce, and the New Jersey Better Business Bureau, and are an Authorized cPanel Partner.

Bottom line, we are the OLDEST and LARGEST and MOST TRUSTED server management provider.

We have no term contracts and we even offer a 30 day money back guarantee.

Plain and simple, you have nothing to lose and we have nothing to gain if our service is not top-notch!

Key Features
* 24/7/365 USA-Based Technical Support
* 24/7/365 Server Monitoring (5 Minute Intervals)
* Guaranteed 15 Minute Response On Monitoring Alerts
* Within 6 Hour Ticket Response Time Guarantee
Statistically, most tickets are responded to in less than 1 hour
* Within 24 Hour Ticket Resolution Time Guarantee
Statistically, most tickets are resolved in less than 3 hours
* UNLIMITED Admin Work Time - UNLIMITED Tickets, all for only $29/month!

What's Included?
* Backend Server Software Upgrades
Kernel, Apache, PHP, Exim, cPanel, etc.​
* WHM / cPanel Technical Issues
Updates, patches, tweaking, setup, configuration, etc.​
* 3rd Party Software Installation
Fantastico, RVSkin, Ruby on Rails, Zend Optimizer, GD, ImageMagick, etc.​
* Initial Server Setup
If you have a new server, we'll setup and configure the server completely from scratch to get the server ready for your use!​
* Server Backup Restoration
If your server requires a restore, we'll restore all of your backups returning your server back to normal.​
* Disaster Recovery & Hack Recovery
If your server is crashed or hacked, we will determine the cause and rebuild your system from backups.​
* Server Migration
If you are moving accounts from one server to another, we will migrate them for you from the old server to the new server.​
* System Security, Optimization, and Hardening
This procedure includes:
* CHKRootKit
* Rootkit Hunter
* Securing and Upgrading of SSH Server
* CSF Firewall
* Anti-DoS Configuration
* Brute Force Detection (BFD)
* Log Analysis Software Installation
* System Integrity Monitor (SIM)
* System Priority (SPRI)
* Secure and Optimize Apache (HTTP)
* MySQL Optimization
* host.conf Hardening
* nsswitch.conf Modification
* sysctl.conf Hardening
* FTP Hardening
* Removal of Unused Software
* Removal of Old Logs
* Shell Fork Bomb/Memory Hog Protection
* Root Login Email Notification & Logging
* MultiTail
* TMP Directory Hardening (/tmp, /var/tmp, /dev/shm)
* Password Scanner
* Filemanager
* Firewall Admin
. . . . plus more!​

Where Do I Signup?
Ready to signup?

To signup securely today, Visit: https://www.platinumservermanagement.com/signup.html

We accept PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover!

Also now available! Private Label Reseller Program
Do you sell or resell cPanel dedicated servers and want them managed?

With PSM's Reseller Program, you can also resell our services under your own brand! Perfect for selling fully managed servers without doing any work! We will provide your customers with access to our state-of-the-art custom helpdesk with our service and our staff. The difference: We'll brand it with your name, your domain, and your company logo!

Just $19 per month per server -- Same features, same service, same results as our normal packages!

Questions? Contact Us!
Please check out our FAQ below for answers to commonly asked questions.

Toll Free Phone: 1-877-898-1423
Sales Email: sales@platinumservermanagement.com

Frequently Asked Questions
How can I be sure you are trustworthy?
We've been in business for 15 years now and are one of the very few server management providers that are actually a real incorporated company. Most of our competitors are not even actual companies, and don't even list a phone number or address on their site. Some even hide their domain whois registration information. While this is not specifically a determining factor of "quality", when considering a provider to be "trustworthy", they are extremely important factors. Also, we are a member of the New Jersey Better Business Bureau & the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce with a clean record, and our Privacy Policy has been approved and certified by TrustE. We are even an authorized CPanel partner.

Do you provide support for complex technical problems as well as simple technical problems?
Our system administrators are capable of tackling any type of technical problem regardless of it's complexity. Naturally complex technical problems may take longer to resolve than simple technical problems, but we absolutely do provide support for both simple and complex technical problems.

Do you offer one-time services?
No, but since we do not have any term contracts, feel free to signup for 1 month only. Our price for the entire month is probably cheaper than any other competitor's one-time service or hourly rate anyway.

I like what you have to offer, but how do I know it's real?
Think about it this way, we offer a 100% unconditional 30 day money back guarantee, no setup fee, no contract, no hidden fees; we have nothing to gain, and you have nothing to lose if our service is not top-notch!

How am I supposed to know when a newer version of security or backend software is released?
Inside our Client Login, we have a news section. In this section, we post any updates that are released and give you the option to request it or not. We also email our clients when a new post to this section is made. We suggest anyway that all clients open a ticket regularly at least once per month and request we review the system's logs, directories, and check for updates. We'll then let you know our recommendations on what should be upgraded or not, and you can them make your informed decision. You do not need any server knowledge or server experience to do this, it's as simple as opening a ticket regularly asking us to upgrade your software, we do the rest.

How long does it take to respond to a ticket?
Statistically, most tickets are answered within 1 hour, and resolved within 3 hours. However, the truth of the matter is, this question does not have a simple answer. A resolution to a ticket all depends mostly on the complexity and urgency of it. You will see some tickets resolved within minutes, and others within hours.

Do you offer any trial period?
We currently do not offer trial periods since we offer a 100% unconditional money back guarantee for the first full 30 days of service. If you are not completely satisfied, simply request a refund within the first 30 days of service, and we'll gladly do so.

Is my information kept secure?
Absolutely yes. All server information and passwords are transmitted and encrypted through our Secure Server SSL. Passwords and related sensitive details are never sent via email. Also, all information provided to us is visible by our technicians on an as needed basis only, they will only see the login to the server that you open the ticket for, they cannot see it at any other time nor browse through our login information database.

Are there any catches, hidden fees, contracts or setup fees?
No, no, no, and no.

If you have any questions, please contact us directly by phone or email.
Please do not reply here as Sales reps do not have access here.
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