With Google adding SEO weight (only a little now, but said to be increasing over time) how many hosts have switched to providing LetsEncrypt free SSL certificates so all their customers can be on SSL?
Are you going to continue selling other SSL certificates? and why?
If you've decided not to offer LetsEncypt, why is that?
Has anyone had issues getting them to work?
We're going to continue offering SSL certificates, alongside LetsEnypt, for their portability and the fact you can install them on your CDN's and other places that may not yet me offering LetsEncypt certificates.
We discovered that BitNinja often blocked the challenge so certificates didn't get issued.
Are you going to continue selling other SSL certificates? and why?
If you've decided not to offer LetsEncypt, why is that?
Has anyone had issues getting them to work?
We're going to continue offering SSL certificates, alongside LetsEnypt, for their portability and the fact you can install them on your CDN's and other places that may not yet me offering LetsEncypt certificates.
We discovered that BitNinja often blocked the challenge so certificates didn't get issued.