Nice forum Bit....

It could use some more activity from other people besides staff and Webhost owners. We nee patential clients here and thats something hurting you. and on top the the forum that annoying Host Gator banner.
Could absolutely use more activity. The banner issue is readily remedied - purchase that advertising space. :)
I just dont see why the banner has to be there rather then a 468x60 in the header. Thats the first thing they see when new people come.
It's called revenue.
Servers don't pay for themselves. In order to run a forum you have to incur operating costs.
Selling advertising space is the only way to offset that cost.
It could use some more activity from other people besides staff and Webhost owners. We nee patential clients here and thats something hurting you. and on top the the forum that annoying Host Gator banner.

Thank you for your feedback. :)

We are always working on new additional services, products and contests that attract not just web hosting companies themselves but also potential clients. Every community is looking for a healthy mix of people who participate and stay active. We are no exception.

Web hosting is not a popular subject by itself so the general population will only get involved when the need for web hosting arises. For example, someone looking for hosting who decides to do proper homework will most likely come across a community like ours, ask a question, or maybe even post a Web Hosting Request. We cater toward both web hosting professionals and enthusiasts. Other than that, I don't think any other community specializing in web hosting will see a ratio that will be much different from ours.

Advertising is as much essential to us as it is to you. While it helps pay for our costs, writers, developers, it also helps your company to get its name out.
I know this topic is old but I was more talking about the placement of the ad not the ad it self.

(the 768x100) at the top above the logo.

Its good to be back here, I lost this place for awhile and had to find it again.
Welcome Back Hostix, hope to see more activity :)

As for the banner, offering that premium spot allows a premium revenue dollar for income. I'm sure Artashes would be happy to remove that banner, or place it lower, but it would mean even more banners on the website. Some places have banners after the 1st post, or after the 5th post in a thread - for me, I know where I am and having the banner that high on the page allows me to see who is advertising and then check out their services. It's a win win for everyone.

A Bigger HD logo might be a solution, but then that takes away valuable page space and means I have to scroll more ;)